50 | That Suits His Soft Pink Cheeks

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Mrs. Park leaves the room with a huff. Jimin immediately locks his room from inside and attaches his forehead to the door. He didn't want Jungkook to hear all that. His chin trembles, a few tears roll down his cheeks pathetically.

He was just so frustrated. Where was he supposed to take it all out. When will this ever stop!?

Within a few seconds, he feels a strong pair of arms wrapped around him and a body pressed against his back. "I promise you won't have to see her face again after tomorrow..."

A muffled sob leaves his mouth. Jungkook turns him around before hugging him tightly. "You don't have to listen to her words Jimin, she is an awful person."

Jimin gulps a few tears down. He feels extremely embarrassed. He has lost count of how many times he has heard that word, but it hurts the same everytime. And this time, Jungkook had to hear it too.

"I'm so(rry)-"
"Don't be sorry for other's behaviour. She should be apologising to you. Do you understand that?"

"It's embarassing..."
"I agree, it must be... But I totally ignored her bullshit, don't worry about me... I want you to ignore her too..."
"It hurts Jungkook... What wrong have I done? I just love you... I haven't even done anything wrong with you..."

Goosebumps form on their skin. They haven't had the time to reel in this new feeling for each other. "Even if you had done something, it wouldn't have been wrong Jimin. We love each other..." Jimin almost calms down hearing that. His cloudy mind gets clear once again.

Jungkook parts away and wipes his tears before cupping his face with both his hands. "Crying isn't bad... But you shouldn't waste those precious tears on people like her..."

A lone tear rolls down Jimin's face again. Maybe the last one shed for his so called family. Jungkook leans ahead to kiss his eyes, making him warm all over.

"Think about it, Do you really love them now? I mean do they matter anymore? Do you need them in your life?"

"What are you even asking?" Jimin whispers, looking away. Jungkook tilts his face to look at him. "You have all the night. Just think about it seriously. I hope you get the answer till tomorrow."

"What will you do after that?"
"As I promised, I will take you away from this toxic hell. That too without having to run away... You will be mine in front of everyone!"

An immediate smile comes upon both their faces. Jimin shyly looks away. Momentarily forgetting about the incident from just before.

But when Jungkook leaves his room to go back, after a sweet kiss on his forehead, his mind spirals back to the shame he felt with all those words.

He thinks about everything that can be snatched away from him. His family on one side, and Jungkook on the other. And he is sure he wouldn't lose Jungkook in any case.

His heart flutters at the thought. He doesn't know when his feelings grew so much. He wasn't lying when he said he can't live without him. May be he hasn't imagined a day like that.

Tiredness from the day catches him off-guard. It was a long day, longest he could remember. Sleep envelopes him with full force.


Next day, Jimin wakes up with a ray of hope in his heart. Everything will be fine today. Jungkook will make it right. He believes him. He gets up and gets ready for the day.

He hopes the day passes smoothly. It's his birthday after all. Thinking about that, he checks his phone. A pout forms on his face when he doesn't see any birthday wish from his boyfriend.

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