43 | Did You See His Old Willy?

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15.07.2023 📍

"Dinner is ready! Come here, both of you."
"Jimin... I promise I'll drop you home right after it. Don't think much, he must be busy..."

Jimin nods wordlessly, wiping his eyes with the back of his hand. "I'll use the washroom first..." He excuses himself.

In the washroom, he tries calling Jungkook again but there's no answer. His heart keeps sinking down. He washes his face and goes out to join others on the table.

"Jimin... I have never seen you this quiet... Did something happen?" Namjoon asks. Jimin gives him a little smile, shaking his head in a No. "I'm just sleepy hyung..."

"Btw what about Jungkook? Is he coming?"
"I don't know..." Jimin manages to reply to Jin without breaking into tears.

They eat, with 3 talking back & forth, and Jimin staring into oblivion.


"Arghh Hyung... Did you use green chilli paste?" Jin nods his head while Taehyung clutches at his stomach. "Hyung... I can't handle it, how can you forget!!!"

"Oh. I'm sorry Taehyung-ah... You always get okay within a few hours so I always forget about it..."
"Jimin... Wait for me on the couch... I'll quickly go use the toilet."
Jimin sighs nodding.

"Joonie... Can you buy this medicine from the convenience store..."
"Oh yeah... I'll go!"
Jin prepares something for Taehyung's upset stomach in the meantime.

Jimin waits on the couch, looking at his mobile phone. He sends him a last text before closing his eyes and laying down on the couch.

//I want to come back to you//


Taehyung sits on the dining table. Namjoon gives him his medicine while Jin gives him a herbal tea to pacify his stomach. They all sit silently, and now look over at Jimin who is sleeping soundly on the couch.

"Did you call Jungkook?"
"I did... But he isn't picking up..."
"Ohh poor Jimin... He doesn't look good..."

"Don't think much you two, the Jungkook I know forgets everything when he is concentrating on something. So he might be busy..."
"But still Hyung. How can he forget Jimin?"
"I'll cry if you ever forget me Joon-"

They hear a knock on the door. Namjoon goes to check "Oh. You came..."
Jin also stands up to see who's there. "Don't you think you are so late for dinner? We finished everything."

Jungkook cross-passes Jin with a slight bow. He looks at Taehyung sitting on the table, who points to where Jimin is sleeping.

Jungkook's gaze falls on his little boyfriend. He wants to be angry with him for staying out for so long and even leaving his messages on read. But going ahead, when he looks at his face and notices the wetness under his eyes, he feels bad.

He crouches down beside him. His arm moves on its own. He wipes his eyes gently. "Jimin... Let's go home..." He whispers really low.

Jimin opens his eyes at once, that well up with tears immediately. He throws his arms around Jungkook's neck, hugging him tightly. "I'm sorry... I'm really sorry..."

Every sorry coming out of his mouth was affecting Jungkook badly. Why is Jimin always sorry? He realises his parents made him like that.

"I'm sorry it took me this long..." He apologises too.
"You know... There was an ahjussi in the mall.. he.. he got naked in front of me... I was so scared..." A few tears of distress roll down his cheeks. He was dying to share it with him, even though he didn't want to tell him at first.

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