12 | Leave His Fuckin Hand

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"Hey... Aren't you from Music Department?" Jhope asks Jungkook who nods casually. "Why are you sitting here alone then? Are you not participating?" He asks again.

"I don't want to." Jungkook replies back. Jhope was about to say something, but four other students came there. Jhope is always in the practice room so he doesn't know about them. He leaves them there.

"JKeyy... Do you wanna join us in sports. You can be with us that way." Jungkook snorts. As if he wants to be with them willingly. "What are you doing here? Are they not gatekeeping you somewhere?" He asks them.

Chen looks inside the sports complex to find someone. When he does, he points towards him. Jungkook follows his finger and his left eyebrow twitches.

"That pink haired boy. I'm here to take him with me. There are no classes so no one will know he is missing." Chen replies.

"Why!? Where are you taking him" The response was immediate.

"Why? Why are you suddenly so interested in what we do!? You never questioned us before" Tan says looking at him with questioning eyes.

Jungkook stares back with a raised eyebrow.

"Eh-he don't fight. Last two times Chen couldn't do anything because of Senior Kim. But he is taking off for two days. So there's no one who can stop him." Rawn tells him.

Jungkook looks inside at Jimin again. He was practicing his duet with Taehyung, unaware of the malicious intent of these four males. Jungkook's gaze hardens & jaw clenches unintentionally.

"Leaders are here so we'll wait till the half-day..."


"Both the leaders are gone." Sam announces when Hobi & Yoongi go out for snacks break. Chen finally walks towards Jimin. He grabs his wrist and turns him around.

"Hah--" Jimin gasps.
"What the hell!" Both Taehyung and Jimin shout at him at the same time.

Jimin tries to free his hand but Chen's grip was tight. "What's your problem?" He asks him angrily.

Sam, Tan & Rawn take a hold of Taehyung. They know others won't come to Jimin's rescue.

"My problem is that I have been straight all my life. I love to taste girls, squeeze their boozz and suck them dry" Jimin scrunches his face in distaste at his vulgar words.

"Stop talking like that with me-" he couldn't complete when Chen suddenly pulled him more close. Taehyung yells from behind but Chen tunes out everything he was saying.

"But now I want to taste you!" Jimin sucks in a breath, not wanting to breath the same air as him. He shakes his head aggressively. "Don't talk like that... Don't use bad words... please don't-"

Chen squeezed Jimin's waist, causing him to gasp. His face heats up due to frustration and anger, his eyes sting. He feels so helpless as he desperately tries to get free.

Jungkook was not looking at the scene to stop himself from doing things he has never done before.

He was sitting there trying to ignore what's happening. That's what he has always done since the time he met these four.

This time though, his teeth were gritting and forehead was creased. His fists were tightly clenched beside him. His blood was boiling hearing them talk back & forth.

"Leave me alone.. Or I'll complain about you to the dean!" Jimin tries to fight back again when Chen forcefully drags him towards the exit, snorting at him.

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