32 | I Even Kissed Him You Know

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The next day, when Taehyung asks him if he executed the plan, Jimin tells him how bad he felt when Jungkook talked like that. "See I told you, he doesn't like me!"

"Jimin. He's totally playing with you. Just keep trying stubbornly. Don't give up!"
"I'll try..."
"Look he's there... Go follow him..."

Jimin trails behind Jungkook, who at the end of the corridor, enters the washroom. "Will you follow me inside too? Wanna see me pee?"

"Eeee!!! Gross!" Jimin speaks in a shrill voice and Jungkook enters the toilet cubicle with a satisfactory smirk. Jimin waits for him at the washbasin with his cheeks turned hot. He wasn't imagining anything he swears.

"Oh what a surprise! Look who's here~ Did you not miss us candy boy?" Jimin scrunches his nose in disgust and moves towards the toilets.

"Want me to come inside? I can help you with your pants? I can even help you pee-"
"Shut up!!!" Jimin shouts.

Jungkook exits the toilet, scowling. Sam steps back and raises his eyebrow. "Why are you two together all the time? Are you fucking each other?"

Jimin gasps and opens his mouth to retaliate, but Jungkook beats him to it. "None of your business!" Sam's face contorts into that of an anger.

"Just once... Just once if I find him alone! You will see what I'll do to him! He won't be able to walk on his legs for days after that! He won't be able to speak a word for a week after that! I will fucking wreck him for good!"

Sam blurts and leaves the washroom banging its door.

Jungkook was fuming from inside hearing him. His gaze turns to Jimin whose face was almost pale.

Jungkook's anger melts away and he hurriedly washes his hands before walking to Jimin. On instincts, he cups his face with both his hands and tilts his face up to look into his eyes.

Jimin closes his eyes and first set of tears run down his face. Jungkook's eyes soften. He wipes both his eyes with his thumb. Jimin's chin trembles, he feels frustrated and doesn't know what to do.

"Don't think about it... Nothing like that would happen until I'm here!" Jimin opens his eyes hearing him and sees the concern written over Jungkook's face.

His heart feels calm, he feels safe. He knows he will protect him.

With a smile, he looks down again, tears still forming in his eyes. "And you said you don't like me!"
"I never said that!"
"So... do you like me?"
"I never said that either!"

They both look into each other's eyes for a moment. Speaking thousands of emotions through their eyes that their words can never tell.

Jimin blinks his eyes and Jungkook finally leaves his face before stepping back.

"If you don't like me then join the team!"
"Prove to me that I don't affect your heart!" Jimin points towards Jungkook's chest.

"That's ridiculous!" Jungkook turns to move but Jimin stops him by holding his hand. Warmth seeps through the touch straight to their little fluttering hearts.

"If you don't join, I'll be convinced that you like me Jungkook!"

"Really?" Jungkook faces Jimin with fiery eyes this time. He smirks and Jimin doesn't understand what his intentions could be.
"First and foremost, you prove it to me that you actually like me!"

Jimin purses his lips and leaves Jungkook's hand.

Jungkook's smirk widens.
"See you can't prove anything yourself!"

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