25 | Next Station Is Our Destination

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Jungkook was already in the train when Jimin came. He placed his bag on the seat and climbed above slowly. Jungkook was listening to music with headphones on. He blatantly ignores his presence.

It obviously affects Jimin badly. But they are not in their apartment and Jimin is done with being the centre of attention because of others making a scene.

So he resorts to keeping silent and moves towards the window side. It was already dark outside, so he decides to close the curtains. He sits in a corner, reading his 1st ever rom-com novel that he bought when he was 18.

After a halt of 15 minutes, the train finally started moving. He was so much into the novel, he didn't notice when Jungkook laid beside him. The story was just so cute & engaging.

But with the constant moving of the train, he started feeling dizzy and closed the book. Keeping it aside, he massaged above his eyebrows.

It gave him a sense of relief but then he suddenly felt sick in his stomach.

He lays down straight, his hand tightly clutching onto the window to stay still. He feels restless, almost dizzy because of his head. 'Is this motion sickness...' he thinks before getting up & taking a sip of water.

Jungkook turns to lay on his side facing away, pretending to be deep in sleep.

After 20 minutes, Jimin feels cold sweat forming on his skin. His head buzzes with the slightest movement in the train. He tries to distract himself from the headache by tossing & turning but nothing works.

Unaware of the distance between them, he turns towards Jungkook and curls up in a ball. Jungkook suddenly turns to face him and places his arm behind his waist, pulling him closer from the middle.

He clearly feels Jimin's rapid heartbeats going faint for a moment, trying to hold his breath before his heart starts beating louder against his chest.

"Sleep" Jungkook whispers and Jimin's cheeks flush red. His mind can't fully comprehend how close he was to him because of all the dizziness.

It was his first time sleeping in someone's arms in all his senses. That someone being his own Roommate that he has developed a little crush on. He closes his eyes tightly with a whipped shy smile.

All the anger he had because of Jungkook behaving like an ass, fades into thin air in that moment.

His erratic heartbeats start to calm down finally. He vaguely pays attention to Jungkook's heartbeats before falling asleep.

Throughout the night, Jungkook was aware of every breath Jimin took, every time his heart beat erratically, every time he produced a little sound of discomfort.

He felt a strange possessiveness just by smelling Jimin so close to him.


"Next station is our destination. Pack your things. We'll be there in 20 minutes." It was 4 in the morning.

Jimin woke up facing the ceiling with his head placed on Jungkook's bicep. He abruptly got up and looked to his side to find Jungkook awake. But he wasn't looking at him.

Jimin pouts unknowingly. Then he bites his lips. Blush creeps up on his face at the realisation that he did really sleep with him.

Was that how he slept that night too when he was drunk, or the night that they decided to forget but he can't seem to forget. His stomach flutters and he looks away.

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