8 | You Can Slap Me Back

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The next day, Jungkook wakes up early to continue his workout routine before getting ready for the college.

When he comes out of his room, he sees Jimin in the kitchen. 'Ah. I almost forgot I was not living alone anymore!'

He walks straight to the door but Jimin's voice stops him in the living room.
"I made breakfast.. for both of us..."

Jungkook gets tempted to look back.
But he shakes his head instead. "Let's not play house. We are not even friends!" And he exits the apartment just like that.

Jimin's face becomes sullen. Not like he is dying to become his friend. He doesn't like that rude person either. But he was just being nice and wanted to thank him somehow for using his food.

"Huh! Whatever! Get lost!!!!!" He pouted.

"WHAT!" Jungkook yelled from outside.

Jimin gasped and covered his mouth with his hands. He looked at the door with side eyes, but thankfully Jungkook didn't come back.

After hearing Jimin's soft gasp, Jungkook smirked and left for the college, trying hard to wipe that smile off.


"Students, It's time to throw a welcome party for the freshers. We will be mixing up your departments for a week starting next Monday. You won't be having distinction in Major & Minor for that time." The teacher in-charge announces in their classes as instructed by the Cultural Secretary of the college.

"Those in Dance & Music can collaborate together to decide on performances in the next week. Then you will have to work out practice timings after college for the following 2 weeks."

"Date of the celebration will be announced after 3 weeks from now. Anyone who has questions can ask me or any other teacher."

Taehyung raises his arm. "What are we doing with the Arts & Sports Major?"

"We will be needing you to make banners and work on decorating the college campus. The Sports Department is preparing games with small rewards. Anything else?"

Taehyung shakes his head. The teacher leaves the class after making announcements.

Friday was not a studying day in Bighit Entertainment University (BEU). Students were allowed to explore much more the university has to offer.


Taehyung takes Jimin to the Arts Practice Room. "You know I'm so excited to show you my portfolio." Jimin giggles, speed walking behind him.

Before they could enter the room, someone stopped Jimin by grabbing his wrist.

Him & Taehyung turn around to find Sam who winks at him. "Finally I met you pretty boy~" Jimin cringes hard and removes his hand from the unwanted grip.

Taehyung comes to stand in front of him; his eyes boring into the intruder. "What's your problem Sam? Can you get lost already?"

Sam snickers. Very clearly, Taehyung was never bullied by them. They stand on equal grounds.

"My friend Chen has taken a liking towards this pink haired boy. I'm just suggesting that he come with me. Chen is waiting for him in the sports complex." Sam replied with a mischievous grin.

He leaned closer to whisper in Taehyung's ear, making sure that Jimin hears him too, "Chen has arranged a mattress. He just wants to check if he is turning gay or not~"

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