57 | I Feel Like Getting Drunk On You

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Jimin gets a part time job at their nearest convenience store. He easily got it given his friendly smile. The timings are 5PM to 11PM, Monday to Friday.

Jungkook too gets a part time job at a cafe, 20 minutes away from Jimin's workplace and 30 minutes away from their apartment. His timings are same as well.

Since college is in the opposite direction, Jungkook drops Jimin at his job on his way to his cafe. And Jimin waits for him after his shift is over as he picks him up daily on his way back too.

Their first week goes extremely tiring as both were out from 9AM to 11PM, a total of 14 hours. They would immediately pass out every night after coming home.

In the middle of it, on Thursday, Jimin was announced as the new leader for Dance Major.

First Saturday came.

Last night, they have slept together. So they were cozzily snuggled up till their 11th alarm finally woke them up.

They both stretched their arms sleepily before coming back to rest in the same position.

After a while, Jimin opened his eyes and found Jungkook slipping back to sleep.

He booped his nose with a smile "Wake up sleepyhead." His voice was hoarse. Just how long have I slept? He thought and removed Jungkook's arm from above him to stretch towards his lampside to check his phone.

"Oh my god! It's over 12. We have Hyungs' farewell at 7, we have not yet taken a gift for them... Wake up, you can't be sleeping now!!"

"Umnnn I don't..." Jungkook mutters sleepily and places his arms above his head before getting comfortable on his back.

Jimin shakes him, but he doesn't wake up. "Jungkook! Wake up!!!"
"I have no motivation!!"
"Let's shower together."

"What!?" He opens his eyes immediately, sleep out of the window. Jimin chuckles loudly before getting off the bed.

Jungkook grabs his wrist and pulls him back. "That's not fair! You can't be joking like that!"

"We are short on time Jungkook. We haven't even decided what are we going to gift them... And it's not even 1, we have to decide on 4 gifts..."

"Give me a gift too? Don't you feel a little pity on me by playing so dirty with my poor heart?"
"Don't be so dramatic about it!"
"Gimme a kiss atleast?"
"I haven't brushed yet..."

"Me too... I haven't brushed too..."
"Eww it doubles the foul smell..."
"You don't smell bad... I like it..."
"You are still sleep talking I can see that!"
"If you kiss me once, I will get the energy to get by another tiring day. Plea-"

Jimin finally pulls him by his collar and pecks his lips hurriedly. Jungkook smiles. "I feel a rush of energy." Jimin chuckles, biting his lips. He almost forgot how it felt when kissing.

"It's been a week since I got to kiss you. I was so low on energy!" Jungkook kept saying in the background while Jimin walked to the washroom, pressing his lips together as they keep tingling.

They both get ready, have their breakfast by 2PM and leave the house to get some gifts for the hyungs. Taehyung meets them in the mall too, as the 3 are contributing together.

"Rule no. 1, you two don't make me feel single for the time being."
"Okay." - JM
"But you ARE single!" - JK
"Shut Up!" - V

"Grow up kids, Grow Up?" - JM
"The only kid I see here is you." - V & JK together.
"Yahhh I'm older than you two! Put some respect on my name!" Jimin pouts and leaves them behind to finally start the shopping.

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