54 | Heard About Goodnight Kiss?

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"I have another option as well, especially for you!"
"I hope it's not weird like a haunted house!"
"Not at all." Jungkook smirks before leaning closer to Jimin's ear.

He whispers something that makes Jimin's cheek turn red instantly. He hits his shoulder "You Pervert! How can you watch that with me!!"

Jungkook smirks and turns to look at the TV "Cool. Let's watch this horror movie then. Let me just tell you, horror movies have adult scenes too. We are boyfriends, so I picked one with some uncensored explicit scenes."

Jimin pats his cheeks repeatedly "I can't believe what I'm going to watch..." Jungkook runs his fingers on his back, giving him sparks at the touch. He starts the movie and Jimin scooches back to sit close to him.

The movie starts with an eery music. Jimin holds onto the sheets tightly. First horror scene comes within 10 minutes, that has Jimin clutching at his chest.

He leans further into Jungkook's side, who chuckles at him and encircles his arm around his waist, squeezing it a little.

Jimin didn't even get time to calm his nerves down before another gore scene came. He tightly closed his eyes, turning his head immediately before hiding in Jungkook's neck.

Jungkook smiles sheepishly before turning towards him slightly and wrapping both his arms around his figure. "Do you want me to stop the movie?" He asks softly.

"Yes..." Jimin whispers softly. Jungkook chuckles before turning the TV off, and laying back down with Jimin attached to him.

"Do you realise we have not even watched it for 20 minutes?"
"I'm scared of the nightmares I might get..."
"Should we watch something else then? Something that will totally make you forget about the previous movie."

"No... I like it better..." Jimin snuggles into him. Jungkook's chest swells with love. He gets a little down to stare into Jimin's eyes, they were almost glassy.

"Oh my god. Were you really scared?"
"Do you think I was lying?"
"I'm sorry... I didn't know you were that serious about it..."
"It's okay... Now you know."

Jungkook blinks his eyes once. He looks into the deep oceans that are contained in Jimin's beautiful eyes. No matter how long he looks, the beauty doesn't decrease.

Jimin too, can't help but get lost in Jungkook's star-filled eyes. The eyes that are always so warm for him. He can clearly see the love in them.

As they keep looking into each other's eyes, a peaceful silence surrounds them. Their hearts beat rhythmically, their cheeks turn hot, but no one dare to break the eye contact.

"Goodnight..." Jimin feels shy all of a sudden. Jungkook's gaze always makes him shy he doesn't understand why.

Jungkook chuckles when he turns to face away. He spoons him from behind.
"Btw have you heard about Goodnight Kiss?"
"You have gone crazy." Jimin mutters shyly.
"Yes. And anyone would go crazy after kissing you!"

"Stop." Jimin covers his face laughing. Jungkook smiles behind him. He just wanted to make him laugh after how he got him scared. And if he really got a kiss, that's a win win for him.

"Did you like the kiss btw? It was our first after all?" Jimin bites his lips at the question. Is this too much to say that he still wants to kiss him again?

"My heart was racing so fast... More than how fast it races when I watch a horror movie..." Jungkook chuckles at him. That's an adorable way to describe what a kiss makes him feel.

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