10 | Sorry If My Face Ruined Your Day

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Next morning, he woke up with a bad headache. His muscles were sore because of sleeping on hard surface, that too in a weird position. He got up to stretch his limbs and looked at where he was.

"Oww my head... What am I do-" His eyes widened when sudden memories filled his mind. He stared at the door with wide eyes. "Shit!" He stood up in an instant and regretted it instantly when pain increased in his head.

Putting everything on break, he walked to the kitchen to drink some water and make some hangover soup.

He sleepily took the water bottle out of the fridge, took one sip and saw a baby blue post-it note on the fridge door. "I'm going to my aunts' for the weekend. I'm sorry if my face ruined your day... ever."

He realised Jimin was not home last night. Relief washed over his limbs. He has not embarrassed himself in front of his roommate. "Thank goodness!!" He spoke.

He posted the note back on the fridge with no other thought circulating his head and proceeded to make his hangover soup. His life saviour all the time.


After washing up, and getting 2-3 hours sleep, he woke up abruptly. He ran to the kitchen and read the post-it note again. "I'm-going-to-my-aunts'-for-the-weekend. I'm sorry if my face ruined your day ever."

"I have become such a jerk" He mumbled and crumpled the paper to throw it in trash. He sat down on the couch, thinking about yesterday. He realised he was just intrigued about the little male.

He comes back to this realisation that he sucks at talking with people. He sucks at making small little conversations. And now he doesn't know how to improve these traits about him.

Will he ever be a warm touch in someone's life?


It was Monday again. Jimin was in his class for Music Minor when their teacher asked the Dance Majors to go to the sports complex right at this moment.

Jimin was dreading to go there. Sports complex meant those 4 devils who bring the bad news.

His eyes met Taehyung's concerned gaze.
"I'll be safe..." He mutters, standing up from his seat.


"I think I saw pink hairs at the door?" Sam says facing outdoors. He gets up to go behind him but before that Jungkook speaks up "Is that pink haired boy all you see these days?"

Sam sits back smirking, "If you see him, you will be the same. He has intrigued me in first sight. I'm no gay for your information, I like Boobs!"

Jungkook raises his eyebrow in distaste while the other boy continues, "But somehow that boy looked prettier. What was it about him? Maybe his sinful lips? Or his doll-like figure? His glass skin?"

Jungkook pretends to ignore his words but the way he's talking stirs something in his gut. He feels the anger bubbling up in him. His fists clench around his books.

But then he gets angry at himself for feeling this way. 'What the hell, why am I thinking about him? What am I doing these days!?' He thinks.

The same announcement is made in the Arts Minor class that Music Majors are asked to join Dance Majors in the sports complex.

"JKeyyy... Wake up bro, where are you lost?" Rawn shakes him up. "You are called in the sports complex. Go Go before they come yelling!" They laugh.

Jungkook gets up to leave.

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