11 | Burning With Fever

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Jimin sings better and better and suddenly the dance team looks at him from their place. Jhope comes ahead to watch him sing from close.

Jimin is unaware of all this as he is now singing with his eyes closed to keep his nervousness low.

He is also unaware of the constant stare he is getting from his roommate. Jungkook bites his lips hearing his melodious voice. He feels goosebumps form on his skin. He has a thing for high pitched vocals.

He suddenly feels a flutter in his heart and looks away from the pink haired boy. He closes his eyes and carefully listens to Jimin's voice with a racing heart.

How long has it been that someone caused his heart to react this way? Maybe it's the first time.

Taehyung claps loudly when Jimin finishes. Yoongi gives him a thumbs up with a grin. "I love your voice texture Jimin. We just need to work on your flow. You will get a hold of it within a week. I believe in you!" He says.

"Thank you..." Jimin covers his mouth smiling shyly. Taehyung shakes him excitedly before Jhope turns him towards himself. "Jimin... I think you should prepare some solo performance where you sing a piece of song and dance gracefully to it? What do you say?"

Jimin's eyes widen, like a bulb has turned on in his head. "I will make a routine today only. If it is possible then I'm all in Hobi Hyung." He gives his affirmation.

"Taehyung & Jimin, you two should prepare something together. I want to see how well your voices blend together. I have an idea how great it will sound" Yoongi says.

"Yeeeaahhhhh" Taehyung claps in tiny. Yoongi chuckles and looks around the sports complex to find a specific someone. But he couldn't see him there.

"Taehyung... If you see Jungkook anywhere, ask him to come to me. Btw do you want to try your voice with him too? I think you two will sound great together too."

"I'll send him to you Hyung. But about working together... I don't know. He is one of the anti-socials and his company is bad too." Taehyung said, scratching his neck.

Jimin felt unexpectedly bad hearing this. He doesn't know why. Everything Taehyung said was true. His eyes started looking for the mentioned man but he was nowhere to be seen.


Jhope selected members for 5 performances. One was a team of 8 dancers who will join the sports team to mix dance with athleticism. They were sent to another auditorium where the sports team leader is working.

Second & third teams were 3 dancers each, going to work on traditional aspects of their country. Fourth was a couple for the opening show. And finally 5th was Jimin for his solo.

Jhope started making choreographies for 3 teams. Because Jimin is contemporary, Hobi gave him full freedom to decide on his dance.

Yoongi too finalised a few musicals with different genres. He gave them the logistics of performance that he already prepared last night.

They all left college at 6 PM. After such a tiring day, Jimin had no strength to walk back home. On days like this, he wished Jungkook was just a tiny bit friendly. He could've taken a ride back home.

'But two wheelers are scary....' he thinks. Jimin takes a rickshaw and reaches the apartment. He didn't see Jungkook in the living room.

Before anything, he goes to take a nice warm shower. Changed into his oversized clothes, he peeks out to find the living room clear and makes his way to the kitchen.

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