2 | Towards The Men's Washroom

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"What are the bets that the new boy will choose arts as his minor?" Rawn asks sitting with his legs placed on the desk.
"Should we gather our luck today..." Sam suggests.
"I'm so unlucky from last 2 days! My dad's home again!!" Chen replies.

"Sad!!" Tan speaks loudly before continuing, "We will be absolutely lucky if that boy just chooses this minor. Oh god how I'll come early to meet him alone in this room. How I'll tease-"

"Can you all just shut up with that boy's talks!?" Jungkook bangs his hands on the table before standing up to leave the room; his forehead creased as usual.


Yesterday, Jimin took classes in Fashion for minor. But he didn't feel that pull. He has two options left now - Arts and Music. He makes his way towards Arts class.

When he reaches the classroom, he spots the bullies from yesterday sitting in the back benches.

He freezes for a moment and before the bullies could see him, his eyes land on someone's chest who was walking towards him.

His sight gets blocked and, without looking up, he pivots on his heel to go far away from that door.

Jungkook notices the running figure on his way out before he turns the other side to go to the washroom.


After yesterday's happening, everyone just stares at Jimin blatantly. Some look at him with sympathy, while some are just rude to push him here & there.

He finally goes to sit in Music class. The teacher makes him introduce himself. So he does. She sends him to sit with a boy in the front desk. He was class president, Cha Eun Woo.

"Hi Jimin... Nice to meet you."
"Hi... Can I really sit here?"
"My friend is absent today... So Yah, why not..."


"Where is that cotton candy?"
"Did he not come today?"
"He got scared I guess!"
Rawn & Tan snicker, collecting their food from the counter.

They go to sit with their friends. Their eyes land on their target. "Look who just entered behind Jkey" Tan howls lowly before getting up.

Jungkook enters the cafeteria and orders two sandwiches. He goes to sit at his fixed table.

He hears shuffling of some feet behind and a thud sound. "Owww" He hears a pained gasp of a student in the background.

As usual, he doesn't pay attention to see whom they are bulling.

"Ohh Chen, look what you did to the poor boy~ Say sorry!" Tan says mockingly and they all snicker, leaving the boy who tripped on the floor.

"It feels so refreshing to hit him. Should I control these urges to hit others?" Chen asks cracking his fingers.

Sam snickers before shaking his head, "No ways! Girls don't like weaklings! You go boy!!"

They all laugh together, not bothering to look back at the boy whose eye they just bruised. They love exerting dominance on other guys, just to establish a chain of power. They love messing around.

Girls throw themselves on these 4 agreeably good-looking strong dudes. Although most were trying to get closer to Jungkook who doesn't talk at all unlike the other 4. He doesn't flirt, and still has the reputation of biggest fuckboy in the college.

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