4 | Please Don't Do Anything To Me

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"Hey!! Leave my hand-- Who are you!?" Jimin asks him, constantly trying to pry his hands. His thoughts keep going haywire as he tries to not think too negatively of this situation.

But he can't help it when such a buff man full of tattoos is dragging him out of the crowd, and to a secluded place.

"Please don't do anything to me-- Where are you taking me?" A gasp leaves his mouth when they take a turn.

"Are you going to do b-bad things to me??"
"Please l-leave me..." Jimin pleads with him. He feels suffocated, his cheeks turn red and his eyes brim with water.

Jungkook rolls his eyes hearing him utter all the nonsense. His grip tightens on its own.
"Hah.. you're hurting me.." Jimin hisses.

Jungkook doesn't know what is he even trying to do. His mind wanders and he slows down.

Jimin, unable to break the hold, bends down and bites on Jungkook's wrist at the same time. "Owww" Jungkook leaves him at once, and looks at him with anger building up.

Jimin spins on his heel and tries to run away. But Jungkook grabs his wrist and turns him around. He pins him against the wall, in the street they were currently in.

Jimin's breath hitch in fear. His eyes tear up more. His mind races to all the bad things that can happen right now. Every scary thing his mom has told him.

Jungkook tightens his grip on his arms, and Jimin hisses. "What was that for? Why would you bite me!"

Jimin refuses to listen to him. He refuses to look at him. His chin trembles and fists clench tight beside his head while Jungkook keeps him in place with his arms. His eyes follow the trail of tears.

"Are you really going to do that... That... what I'm thinking about?" Jimin asks after gulping his silent sobs down, looking above to meet Jungkook's eyes.

Jungkook's forehead creases when he looks into those wet eyes. He feels strange and immediately looks away after realising his actions were only making things worse.

He leaves Jimin's wrist who at once crouches down to hug his knees, his tears wetting his cheeks freely now.

"Look... I am not what you think I am..." Jungkook says looking here and there. He himself doesn't know why he brought him out like this.

Hearing his words, Jimin cried harder. A cry of relief. He thought he will get r@ped today, and that too by someone who already was just one inch away in a toilet stall.

He wipes his tears and stands up straight before taking a long breath as he looks at Jungkook with angry eyes.

"If you are telling the truth then what was your behaviour about? You were behaving like what I thought you were!"

Jungkook turns his gaze towards him sharply but doesn't say anything.

"Why don't you reply now! I need to know what have you been doing!? First you entered with me in the same washroom stall, now this? What do you want from me!!" Jimin's whole body shakes as he finishes.

Jungkook stares at him intensely before snickering at him like a maniac.

He walks closer to him and towers above his head, raising his voice slightly. "And I was trying to h(elp)-- I don't even know why I even--"

He lands a punch in the wall beside Jimin's face who flinches and turns his face away scared of him.

Jungkook moves back; his gaze hard. "Look little guy! Forget what happened! I just did that on impulse. Now get lost!" He yells. But then stops for a few seconds.

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