31 | I Get It That Your Boobs Hurt!

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"Jimin? Did something happen yesterday?"
"How would you know?"
"My soulmate sensor is telling me! You are more red than ever!"
"Taeeeeee... I... I confessed... I told him..."

Taehyung's smile faltered for a moment.

Jimin suddenly hugs him out of nowhere. "It's so embarrassing Tae... He said I shouldn't like him..." Taehyung wraps his arm around him and softly places his chin over his head.

"I'm happy for you Jimin. I'll pray you get all the love you deserve." He genuinely prays.

Jimin parts away from the hug and looks at him confused, "He asked me not to like him!"

"But he didn't say that he doesn't like you."
"Don't give me false hopes Taehyung..."
"Things can escalate quickly! Soon you guys will be boyfriends?"

Jimin feels the embarrassment and chuckles at his thought process.
"Isn't that too fast?"
"But you like each other!"

Jimin looks into the oblivion thinking about it. Taehyung shakes him by his shoulder. "That's not funny Taehyung... It's just one-sided... Anyone can like anyone right??"

"Jimin. I like you."
"Stop kidding..."
"I'm serious!"

Jimin looks at Taehyung for a moment before stepping backwards, creating some distance between them. "Tae... It's not-"

Taehyung chuckles. "Your expression was worth looking at Jimin..." Jimin lightly hits his shoulder. "Don't do that again!"

"But do you see now... Not anyone can like anyone. You like him, because you are serious about him. And if he is serious about you too, then it means that he likes you too. We just need to find out!"


During the break time, Cafeteria was crowded again. Jin, Namjoon, Yoongi & Jhope were there. Jimin & Taehyung enter too, and Jimin looks around to see Jungkook sitting on a table.

Taehyung sees in the same direction and deliberately places his hand on Jimin's waist to pull him closer, getting side eyes from Jungkook for sure. Jimin gasps and look to his side. "Tae..." He whispers.

"What? Can I not touch my soulmate now?" He speaks and gets weird eyes from Jimin before removing his hand and laughing it off.

They both reach their table where Namjoon, Jin, Yoongi & Jhope are sitting.

"So let's see what all we have finalised..." Namjoon starts. He is working as Jin's Manager right now, leaving all his pending songs and music writings. Only for his dear Love.

"Yoongi is finalised for the soundtrack."
"Hobi is finalised for choreography."
"Taehyung is finalised for PR and promotion content."
"Jimin is finalised for Main Model."
"Now we just have one requirement... We need someone who can play guitar."

"From what I've heard, there are only two who are the best with guitar." Jin starts. Yoongi & Namjoon both sigh. "One is Jungkook who hasn't played in a while."

Jimin looks up at Yoongi surprised. He didn't know Jungkook played guitar. "Another is Rawn who is just..." Namjoon stops midway, releasing a long sigh.

"Both are not the options for us!" Taehyung says bitterly. Jimin looks down.

"Why? What's with these two?" Hobi asks. He really doesn't know what goes down in the college apart from his dance studio.

"Rawn is suspended for bullying others. Jungkook is anti social." Tae replies.

"Wait a minute... Joon... wasn't that Jungkook who was with Jimin that night?"
"WHICH NIGHT!?" Tae & Jimin both ask at the same time.

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