66 | Getting An Unserious Husband

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The next evening, they go to the beach. It was Christmas three days ago and the beach was still lit with lots of lights for the celebration of the new year.

Jimin was wary of the pain in his ass. So they spent the whole night on the beach, watching fireworks in each other's arms. Jungkook proposed to him for the wedding the same night with a cute handmade card.

 Jungkook proposed to him for the wedding the same night with a cute handmade card

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Jimin was laughing at his cute drawing more than he was shocked. "You should also go down on your knees like the drawing..." He mumbled before looking ahead, then looked down and found Jungkook on his knee. He was shocked and touched.

"Jimin, I know you know that I love you so much. I want to protect you from everything, and I will protect you from the worst. You are such a beautiful soul, and a cute little being that I want to provide for you in every way. I promise I will work hard and give you all the happiness in this world. I'm not a perfect man, but I will try my best to make our love perfect for us. Will you let me do all of that for you? Will you let me love you and care for you forever?"

Jimin was standing with teary eyes and a beautiful content smile on his face. "Jungkook..." He whispered.
"Will you marry me and be mine?" Jungkook asked.

"Yes..." Jimin replied with a shy smile, getting down on his knees in front of Jungkook. He cupped his face with both his hands. Jungkook had a bright smile on his face, his heart was beating fast.

"I love you so much..." Jimin whispered before pecking his lips. He hugged him close, wrapping his arms around his shoulders. "I'm so thankful that I met you. I'm so thankful for all the worst things that bring you closer to me."

Jungkook smiled wide, rubbing his back up & down. "Thank you for saving me from every bad thing, even my own parents. I love you so much Jungkook. You are perfect for me. You make our love perfect. Will you also let me protect you sometimes?"

"Please protect me from you... I keep falling deeper & deeper for you." Jungkook replies with a fond smile. Jimin chuckles shyly, a happy tear sliding down his cheek.


~2 years later~

"So it's final, Joon is walking Jimin down the aisle. He already looks like his protective dad, we don't even need to think twice before choosing him."

Jin states as they are waiting for Jimin & Jungkook to get ready. It's their wedding day!

"Then are you going to play Jungkook's mom, you already look like a nagging mom." Taehyung states chuckling, making Hobi laugh out loud who hits Yoongi constantly on his arm.

"This guy!" Yoongi scoffs and receives the hits with no other choice.

"Jungkook's got Yoongi as his official dad. Me & Hobi are just going to enjoy. You think about yourself, what are you doing?"
"I'm making them dance after the wedding."

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