9 | How Is My Touch?

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Jimin unlocked the door and entered first. Jungkook closed the door behind and walked faster to stop Jimin from entering his room.

Jimin looked at him owlishly and inched back a little. His heart started racing at how Jungkook is looking at him without saying anything.

"What do you think of Taehyung?" Jungkook asked in a serious tone. Jimin's forehead creased. "What!?"

Jungkook shook his head. What is he doing! He remembered Sam touching his cheek, and Taehyung doing the same. His arm moved on its own.

He cupped Jimin's cheek and looked into his eyes without a single blink. But Jimin blinked his eyes rapidly, his chest heaved up & down. "What!? What are you doing?" He asked leaning back.

"How is my touch?" Jungkook asked looking at his tattooed fingers on the boy's milky white cheek.

"Huh?" Jimin stopped in his tracks. He tried to read his expressions but couldn't. Heat rose to his face.

Jungkook desperately wanted to know if his touch was still likable, or has it too turned filthy after staying with those bullies.

His desperate eyes hardened again and he removed his hand from Jimin's cheek.

Jimin moved further back into the living room, creating distance between them.

When Jungkook noticed that, he started going ahead, making him walk backwards till he was met with the couch.

He stumbled but before he could fall, Jungkook grabbed his arms and pulled him closer.

Jimin gasped as the distance between them decreased, his eyes widened.

"Why are you doing this to me!?" Jungkook asked him angrily.
"What am I doing..." Jimin asked confused, switching his gaze in between his eyes and his body that keeps towering over him.

Jungkook shook him slightly pulling him closer. Jimin placed his palms on Jungkook's biceps to make some space between them, "Don't--"

"I told you not to show your face in front of me! I told you to stay in your room when I'm home! Why are you still here? With that face? WHY?" Jungkook raised his voice at the end, before turning around. He punched the wall beside Jimin's room.

Jimin jerked back in fear. Jungkook left him there to go back to his room. Jimin hurriedly made his way to his room. He locked the room from inside and slid down on the floor. He got teary eyed again. People keep talking rudely to him! What is he? A toy?

Jimin wanted things to make sense. What was happening? What was he even doing that Jungkook keeps getting angry at him?

He wipes his tears, stopping abruptly as he remembers how Jungkook touched his cheek. The same place where Sam's filthy touch was lingering. Same cheek where he denied Taehyung to touch him.

Jungkook touched him without his permission. And his skin has burned. But it was not a filthy burn.

His stomach was twisting, but not with disgust, it was fear and hurt.

'Why does everyone keep hurting me...' His chin trembles as fresh tears replace the old ones.


Jungkook turned the cold shower on and stood under it with his eyes closed, one hand placed on the wall. 'I don't want to see his face! Erase it from my damn mind! Get it out of my head!'

He couldn't help but think about Jimin more. His face when he requested them to leave Taehyung. 'That was care! They have known each other for a short amount of time and they still care!'

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