62 | Hope You Don't Lose YOUR Senses

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"Merry Christmas Hyungs"
"Merry Christmas both of you. Settle down inside, others are still on their way."

Jin & Namjoon welcome Jimin & Jungkook. Jhope was already in the living room, munching on some snacks. They wished each other Merry Christmas.

Within the next 20 minutes, all seven were together. After freshening up, they all settle around the table in the living room.

"I have prepared this special full meal for all of us. I hope you enjoy it." Jin says with an excited clap and a proud grin.
"It looks so delicious hyung." Taehyung says, sniffing the air.

"You are like a mom to us..." Jimin speaks, his hands tucked in his lap. Jin chuckles "I'm the most handsome mom then." Namjoon smiles, like the same whipped man he has always been for him.

"Can we eat, I'm so hungry~ It looks delicious..." Yoongi speaks, serving himself. Jhope hits his shoulder jokingly "Thank Jin Hyung atleast!"

"Thank you for the meal, I'll enjoy it." Yoongi bows animatedly, before getting back to serving himself.

"Btw, what are you guys upto these days? Only 3-4 months are left of your degree?" Namjoon asks, looking at Jungkook, expecting him to reply first.

"I'm joining Bighit as a trainee... Dean reached out to me the other day... He liked my singing, and wants me to continue it and learn dance side by side."

"What? I got the same text from the dean..." Taehyung speaks, his mouth full of dumplings.
"Eat slowly Tae bear~" Jimin chuckles, patting his head as if he is a baby.
"I'm so hungry..."

"So if you guys are joining as dance trainees, I will be the one training you!!!" Jhope replies excitedly, clapping his hands like a seal.

"And Jimin? What about you?" Namjoon asks.
"I haven't decided yet..."
"Did you get any text from the dean? After you performance, I'm sure you must have..."

"Jimin got the invitation to join as second dance leader alongside Hobi hyung, but he says he's not yet ready for that." Jungkook replies.

"Jimin? You are ready, believe me!! I have not seen a more graceful dancer than you. I will add power to the trainees, and you will add the grace." Hobi says.

"Even I think the same Jimin. You are a really good performer." Yoongi says this time.
"Ohhhhhh~ Yoongi Hyung is praising you, you should go for it Jimin." Taehyung says, again with a mouthful of dumplings.

"Someone take these dumplings away from him. I can't take this boy anywhere!" Jin speaks loudly, making everyone laugh, along with Taehyung himself, who does so with a mouth full of dumplings.


After dinner, and catching up on each other's life, they decide to play a board game, followed by karaoke night and some drinks. And the exciting part is, Jimin also has a glass and it's neither juice nor water.

With every sip, he makes a weird face, and looks like a toddler who is crying of stomachache. Jungkook chuckles at him every time, rubbing his back up & down to comfort him a little.

Taehyung is being his hype man, clapping like a proud mother. While Jhope & Yoongi watch the kids play with a smile, chugging their own drinks down. "Don't make him drink too much that his night is spent puking it all out."

And the owners of the house? They are busy kissing in some corner, as they were feeling hot after a few drinks.

"Jungkook... How long do you think I'll be in my full senses?" Jimin asks, his face still twisted in distaste. Jungkook pulls him closer by his waist. "I can change the taste of your mouth... Do you want some help?" He asks him huskily.

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