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I see new worlds, these visions
They burn inside of me
~ BTS, Zara Larsson

Chapter 2. A Brand New Day

The girl tip-toed in the dark hall with her back hunched. She tried her best to cut her presence. All she needed was to reach her room, waking no one up.

The lights switched on.

Her eyes flew shut as she cursed her fate. Her jaw clenched and relaxed. "Fuck," she groaned. Caught red-handed, she turned with a nervous smile.

"Young lady," growled the woman. Selena winced at the tone. She smiled back, her eyes twitching as she noticed her orphanage manager staring at her with her hands on her hips. Her brow furrowed in disappointment.

It gutted her. "Beth," Selena called, her tone sweet.

"It's 1 a.m. You went out with no consent again," the elderly woman thundered. Can't this damned girl stay put for a day? Her eyes turned soft when she looked at the girl.

A harsh breath escaped her lips—a sigh mingled with exasperation and affection. She could not stay angry with the girl long.

Selena's eyes bore the marks of sleepless nights, prominent dark circles framing their tired gaze. They had turned red and puffy. The wind had disheveled her hair. Beth's heart clenched. "Did you have another night—"

"I am alright," Selena cut her off, her voice defensive. "I am okay," she repeated.

Beth rubbed her throbbing forehead. The girl won't ever open up to her. She was getting too old to manage this orphanage. Besides, Beth did not have the heart to reprimand the girl. Just in a year, she had grown a soft spot for the troublesome girl.

"Well anyway, go to bed," she gave up.

"Wait a minute," Selena said, raising her hands.

Her voice raised an octave with surprise. "You're putting me to bed," she sputtered.

In exasperation, she placed her hand on her mouth and looked at Beth—as if she was an alien. "No grounding or making me do toilet cleaning as punishment," she exclaimed in disbelief. The Latina lady was far too strict to be so forgiving. Beth scoffed at her antics—drama queen.

"What's going on, Beth?" an unsettling feeling surfaced inside her. The woman won't be so nice to her for no reason. It made no sense.

Now Beth's face fell with guilt and sorrow. Selena's eyes narrowed into thin slits. It looked like it was not good news. Her lips thinned into a straight line.

"Beth," she called once again.

Beth took a deep breath and turned away from her. "Your biological family contacted us. You're leaving this morning. They completed the adoption papers," she said finally, looking at the shocked girl.

Her chest constricted; Selena looked like someone had ripped the ground from beneath her feet. Her face paled.

Selena's eyes widened. "Huh," did she mishear something?

Biological family?


It made no sense.

Mindlessly, she walked to her room and shut the door. With a plop, she laid on the bed, not bothering to sleep for the dreams that haunted her daily. Her eyes stared at the white ceiling.

A knock broke her blank stare. "Huh," she exhaled a tired sigh, brushing her hand through her unkempt hair. She looked out the window and noticed sunlight filtered through, casting warm rays that illuminated her room.

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