| 26. 𝑷𝒊𝒕𝒚 𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒚

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It's my party and I'll cry if I want to
Cry if I want to (cry, cry, cry)
I'll cry until the candles burn down this place
I'll cry until my pity party's in flames
~ Pity Party, Melanie Martinez

Chapter 26. Pity Party

"Drive, Garold," Anton ordered as Selena curled up to his side.

"Да, брат," Garold answered, driving away. (Russian: Da, brat - Yes, Brother)

"I messed up again, didn't I?" Selena's voice was hoarse, a vulnerability in her eyes as she peered at Anton. Hayate was seated in the front seat and looked at her with concern and a newfound understanding. It was the first time he had witnessed such an outburst from her after all these years.

"You didn't," Hayate assured, a gentle smile gracing his lips. "You simply let out your emotions. It's better than keeping them bottled up inside."

"I hate them," she admitted.

"It's a good thing," Anton chimed in, his voice holding a touch of warmth. She glared at him, but he chuckled, pinching her cheeks affectionately. "Finally, you've started to care about them."

"I don't," Selena protested.

"You do," he insisted, his smile unwavering. "If not, you would have fabricated a lie. Instead, you opened up to them. Yes, it was an outburst, but you told them the truth. You can't hate someone if you don't care about them."

"Stop talking like a therapist," she rolled her eyes, a faint smile tugging at her lips, but she couldn't resist the comfort of leaning against him. In his embrace, she found solace.

Anton tightened his embrace as Selena nestled against him. Th

"Don't be a therapist, big brother," Selena murmured.

Anton chuckled, the vibrations resonating through his chest. "Fair enough. But you've got to admit, I've always been good at deciphering your complex mind." He flicked her forehead.

Hayate smiled at the scene, "Well, I'm glad she's letting it out. Bottling emotions never ends well."

Selena sighed. "I just... I never wanted them to know. To see the darkness that's been a part of my life."

Anton's hand gently caressed her hair, a gesture of reassurance. "Little one, they needed to see it. They needed to understand what you've been through. It's not weakness; it's strength."

Selena's eyes flickered. "What if they can't handle it? What if they see me differently now?"

Hayate glanced at her, his eyes filled with understanding. "If they truly care about you, it won't change a thing. It might bring you all closer."

Anton added, "And if they can't handle it-then they don't deserve a place in your life."

"No matter what happens, little one, we've got your back. Always."


The room was cloaked in stillness as Selena remained in her bed, a fortress of solitude amidst the bustling city outside. Her apartment, a haven she had acquired for Knighthood, was her comfort and security.

Hayate stood near the doorway and surveyed the scene with a furrowed brow. "You need a shower, you stink," he grumbled. Three days went in a blink since Selena had ventured into the outside world, her self-imposed isolation marked by a neglect of basic routines.

"Shut up," she grunted, hugging herself, shielding against an unseen chill. The outside world seemed distant, and the prospect of stepping into the shower felt like a challenging task.

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