| 8. 𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒓𝒐𝒍

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I'm bigger than my body
I'm colder than this home
I'm meaner than my demons
I'm bigger than these bones
~ Control, Halsey

Chapter 8. Control

Xavier Clemonte accelerated his convertible to an insane speed, the wind whipping through his hair. "Holy fuck," he screamed at the top of his lungs.

The open bottle of wine in one hand, he took another swig. The music blared at max volume. "Whoo," he screamed, enjoying the thrill.

He reeled from lane to lane, disregarding all traffic laws. His heart raced with a heady mix of adrenaline and alcohol, his senses intoxicated by the thrill of breaking free from the monotony of everyday life.

A sudden impact jolted his car, sending him lurching forward as he desperately slammed the brakes. His heart pounded as he peered into the rearview mirror, dread coursing through his veins.

There, lying motionless on the asphalt, was a woman. Blood pooled around her lifeless body. A surge of panic engulfed him as he realized the situation. His eyes darted to the traffic signal, its watchful CCTV cameras capturing every moment.

As a few cars pulled up behind him, their members were alarmed by the scene. The guards hurried over. Their expressions were grave as they analyzed the mess.

"Mr. Clemonte," one of the guards addressed him, his voice firm and serious. "Do not worry. We will handle everything," he assured, a sense of duty lacing his words. Another guard swiftly retrieved the wine bottle, removing any evidence of Xavier's intoxicated state.

"Please, go home," the guard implored, urging Xavier to retreat from the scene. It was clear that the guards had a plan to handle the aftermath discreetly.

Without batting an eye, Xavier stood up, brushing off his clothes, his legs swaying, alcohol taking over his body. He lazily tossed the car keys to the nearest guard. The guard stumbled as he caught the key while Xavier laughed at his clumsy catch.

"Take care of it," he uttered, his voice devoid of remorse or concern. The clock had struck two in the night, and the deserted streets bore witness to his callous disregard for life.

And even if there were, his money could shut them up.

With a final glance at the lifeless body lying in the shadows, Xavier walked away.


Selena closed her laptop—her eyes fixated on the new phone Liliana had bought her the day before.

Her gaze shifted to the closet, filled with designer clothes and accessories worth a small fortune. A sigh escaped her lips, accompanied by a pang of discomfort.

The exorbitant amount of money they showered upon her deepened her sense of indebtedness. I don't want to owe them anything. It made her feel uneasy. She felt trapped in a web of obligations.

"Maybe I can find a way to repay them," she contemplated. "Oh, right," her subconscious chimed, "because an orphan girl with millions just lying around is such a common occurrence."

Selena paused, her brow furrowing. The truth stung. She had no means of repaying them, at least not in the conventional sense. However, as night fell, millions of dollars mysteriously found their way into the Mariano charity's accounts, originating from various anonymous sources.

She could never let the Mariano family, or anyone else, discover who she was—or rather, who she used to be. The mere thought of it sent shivers down her spine.

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