| 12. 𝑯𝒖𝒎𝒂𝒏

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But I'm only human after all
I'm only human after all
Don't put your blame on me
~ Human, Rag'n'bone

Chapter 12. Human

"Master," the guard bowed.

He waited for the Master's response while the man got lost in Beethoven's hymn.

"What about the stone?" pondered the elegant man as he leaned back on the sofa.

"In their hands, a graceful maker polishes stone." The guard replied, "They will soon pass it to the stone dwelling to continue improving. Stone appears to be embracing the new surroundings," he added.

The man hummed, his smile wide with delight and his eyes sparkling. "Oh, little stone," he chuckled. The pleasure he would glean from wrecking the stone. Slowly and painstakingly, like watching a blooming flower wither and die. His heart felt as if dipped in honey.

His stone was at the last stage of perfection.

"Master," another guard barged into the room, flinching at his Master's gaze. "I apologize for barging in," he said, kneeling.

"Liam has made his presence known."

The man sat up straight on the couch. The smile slipped his lips. His eyes darkened as he turned serious.

"For the time being, stop focusing on the stone. Set all of our forces in Country A to kill Liam," the man said, his eyes supplanted with brutality.

"I need that man dead. No matter the cost. And before he approaches stone."

"I warn you again. Liam and stone should never meet each other."

"Yes, Master."


Mindless walking in the hallway, Selena took out her phone and looked at her schedule.

Her first lecture was on Discrete Mathematics, and she couldn't be happier.

Her heart was grateful that the Mariano family-allowed her to select whatever subjects she liked without any pressure. Theodore only hoped his daughter would excel in whatever she chose.

The whole experience of being with a family was new to her. She never had a family, so anything with them was a first experience. It is similar to entering your first relationship, where you don't know what to do or expect. You go with the flow.

Selena came to a stop as she peered at the hall number. Inhaling deeply, she pushed the door open.

"The new student," the math teacher mused as everyone looked at her.

"Please introduce yourself."

"Hello, my name is Selena Knight," she said. She flashed them an innocent smile. "Please look after me."

Unknown to Selena, many people swooned over her smile as their hearts thumped. The girl was a beauty without even trying.

Samuel, who was present in the class, sneered under his breath. The girl won't even mention her surname in the introduction, as if she loathes the identity that Mariano brings her. What a bitch.

"Alright. Miss Knight. Sit next to Mr. Hernandez, and we will proceed with the lecture," he pointed at the empty seat, looking at her with a smile.

The curly-haired boy leaned on the table, not paying attention to the class. The boy raised his head when he heard his last name called.

"Huh?" he slurred.

His eyes were tired as he looked into his teacher's disappointed expression.

The teacher, like his parents, had given up on him.

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