| 34. 𝑺𝒕𝒂𝒚

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Set me free, just please don't leave
I need you to stay
~ Stay, Ari. Abdul

Chapter 34. Stay

Fifteen minutes crawled by.

An hour dragged on.

Three hours stretched into eternity.

Outside the looming building, Anton, Rafael, Alaric, Fabio, and their guards waited, their nerves tensed with each passing second. The gunshot they heard hours earlier had shattered the silence, leaving behind a deafening void.

Anxiety churned within them, not because they doubted Selena's ability to deal with Carl, but because they feared she might lose herself in the process.

Yet, they held back.

It was Selena's moment of revenge, and she deserved to savor it for as long as she needed.

The doors finally creaked open, and Selena stepped out. She was a haunting sight, drenched in blood, her clothes soaked with a dark, dripping crimson. In her hand, she clutched her favorite blade-strawberry, its edge glistening with the remnants of her vengeance.

Rafael was the first to move, his urgency breaking the stillness. He reached her in an instant, gently cradling her face in his hands. Selena leaned into his touch, her formidable exterior cracking. Tears brimmed in her eyes, glistening under the dim light. For the first time, she allowed herself to mourn Hayate's death.

"Take me home, please," her voice was a fragile whisper, breaking as Rafael lifted her into his arms. The blood and gore staining her didn't faze him; his only concern was her well-being.

As Rafael carried her away, the others followed, a solemn procession through the silent night. The air was thick with the scent of blood and the weight of what had transpired, but at that moment, all that mattered was that Selena was safe, and they were taking her home.


Rafael carried Selena gently to the bathroom, his arms unwavering despite the weight of the emotions pressing down on them both. He turned on the shower, adjusting the temperature until the water ran cold. Selena stepped under the stream without protest, the icy droplets prickling her skin and washing away the blood.

Rafael began to carefully remove her soiled clothes, piece by piece. He started with her jacket, peeling it from her shoulders, revealing the taut, defined muscles.

Her shirt came next, lifted over her head to reveal a torso marked by both old scars and new wounds. Her ribs expanded and contracted with each breath, the exertion of the night visible in her every movement.

He knelt to undo her pants, guiding them down her legs. There were abrasions and cuts mingling with the older, healed scars that spoke of past battles.

She stood naked under the cascading water, the stream turning pink as it washed away the blood. Despite the vulnerability of the moment, Selena didn't resist; she trusted him... enough.

And that spoke a lot.

She silently chuckled at herself. How stupid.

Rafael paused for a moment. The water traced paths down her body, flowing over her collarbones, between her breasts, and along the curve of her hips. She shivered slightly, the cold water contrasting with the warmth of Rafael's presence.

He reached for a bottle of shampoo, squeezing a generous amount into his palm. He lathered it between his hands before gently massaging it into her scalp. His fingers worked through her hair with tender precision, untangling knots and washing away the remnants of her ordeal.

Her hair, dark and tangled from the night, began to soften under his touch.

Selena leaned back, closing her eyes and letting Rafael take care of her. His touch was soothing, each motion filled with unspoken care and dedication. He rinsed the shampoo from her hair, watching the suds swirl down the drain, carrying away the last traces of blood and sweat.

When the shower ended, Rafael wrapped a plush towel around Selena, guiding her to sit by the vanity. The steam filled the bathroom, creating a cocoon of warmth. He didn't speak; his actions conveyed everything she needed to feel comforted and safe.

He dried her hair with gentle strokes, his fingers deftly working through the damp strands. Then, he applied a generous amount of moisturizer to his hands, warming it between his palms before massaging it into her skin.

He started with her arms, moving slowly and deliberately, ensuring the lotion absorbed fully. Her muscles twitched under his touch, relaxing further with each stroke.

He continued to her back, his hands gliding over the planes of her shoulder blades and down her spine. Her skin felt warm and smooth under his fingers. Even with her scars, she was beautiful.

He moved to her legs, massaging the lotion into her thighs, calves, and finally her feet, each touch imbued with care and tenderness.

There was nothing sexual in his actions, rather unadulterated intimacy and even... pure. Rafael's presence was a balm to her frayed nerves, his silent care speaking volumes.

When he finished, Rafael wrapped her in a fresh, warm towel, securing it snugly around her. He knelt before her, looking up into her eyes. He didn't need to say anything; his actions were enough.

I am by your side, Rose-always and forever.

For the first time, she felt comforted, surrounded by a sense of peace that only Rafael could provide.

Selena's hand moved to his cheek, her fingers trembling. She leaned in and placed a chaste kiss on his nose, a simple gesture filled with profound emotion. He could feel her shaking, her vulnerability laid bare.

Rafael stood, gently lifting her from the vanity chair. She clung to him, her grip tight, as he guided her towards her bed. Each step was deliberate, and careful, as if he were cradling something infinitely precious.

Rafael laid her down gently, pulling the blankets over her. But as he turned to leave, her hand shot out, gripping his wrist with surprising strength. "Stay"

And he did.

Word count: 966
Instagram: @vairhans

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