| 22. 𝑹𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝑯𝒆𝒓𝒆

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I'm so far from the line, yeah
I'm too deep in my mind, yeah
If she calls, I'll be right there
~ Right Here, Chase Atlantic

Chapter 22. Right Here

Selena was flustered.

She was never flustered, but now she was.

"Where were you?" Maxim asked, his brows furrowed with concern. He had not seen her for the last half hour.

Busy making out.

"Getting some fresh air," she blabbered, her composed demeanor unraveling.

More like his air, her mind taunted.

"Your face is red; are you feeling sick?" Maxim touched her forehead, his touch sending a jolt through her. She jerked back, attempting to conceal the sudden rush of nerves. "Um, yeah, I am okay," her words were a jumble of guilt and a concise confession eating at her composure.

"Let's go back," Maxim suggested.

"Would you like to eat the strawberry tart," Liliana smiled, bringing her a plate full of food. Her mouth salivated at the look. It looked delicious.

He looked delicious.

STOP. Snap out of it, Selena.

The grand ballroom fell into a hushed reverence as Rafael Sullivan, an enigma wrapped in a tailored suit, strolled in with an aura that demanded attention. His silhouette commanded the room, flanked by Alaric and Fabio, like modern-day sentinels. The trio's presence echoed a subtle symphony of power.

Whispers traversed the crowd like a clandestine dance. Gowns rustled, and champagne glasses ceased their tinkling melody. It was rare to see Rafael Sullivan gracing an event.

The Sullivans were the unseen puppeteers, orchestrating affairs from the shadows. Yet, here he was, stepping into the limelight.

His entrance bore an air of controlled confidence-the kind that spoke of a man who wove through the world with a surety that mere mortals could only aspire to. His eyes, sharp and penetrating, surveyed the room as if assessing the worth of everyone present.

Each step he took echoed authority, the click of polished shoes against the marble floor resonating like a declaration of dominance.

Her gaze, drawn inexorably to him, locked onto his piercing eyes. Selena's mind became a foggy landscape, entangled with Rafael Sullivan.

The room quivered with a collective murmur as Rafael Sullivan's lips curled into a smile that sent shivers through the gathering. Whispers circled like vultures, speculating on the nature of this unexpected expression.

"Oh my god, he is smiling. Is someone going to die?"

"I want to l-leave."

"Maybe even Big Boss was curious about the daughter."

"Wait, he is smiling, looking at her."

"Is he planning on killing her?"

Her eyes, however, narrowed at his smile-the smile was almost cocky.

Ugh, I hate that smile.

Her eyes shifted as she watched Maxim and Theodore rush closer to her as the trio walked closer.

"Happy Birthday, princess," Alaric, ever so playful, bowed to her. His tone carried genuine warmth.

"Congratulations on turning eighteen," Fabio greeted her with a rare smile, his eyes reflecting a sincerity that seldom graced his features. Her eyes widened in subtle surprise as she nodded. Did Fabio turn soft? Aww.

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