| 35. 𝑻𝒐𝒙𝒊𝒄

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Baby, can't you see I'm calling?
A girl like you should wear a warning
It's dangerous, I'm falling
~ Toxic, Omido

Chapter 35. Toxic

Anton stood by the window, watching as midnight turned into the dawn of a new day. He noticed Rafael emerging from Selena's room, his hair disheveled, and it was clear they had spent the night together.

A mix of emotions stirred within him.

His little one, he sighed inwardly. He was happy she was growing up, finding comfort and companionship, yet a prickling sensation gnawed at his heart. Guess, I'm no longer the only person she cares about.

Rafael moved purposefully to the kitchen, a determined look on his face. He wanted to prepare something warm and soothing for Selena, something that would help her feel better.

As he thought of her in the morning light, gently caressing her face, he couldn't shake the feeling that she had lost weight. Her cheeks appeared slightly hollowed and pale.

"Something nutritious," he mumbled to himself, selecting fresh ingredients. He chopped vegetables with practiced ease, his mind focused on creating a hearty yet light soup. The rhythm of the knife against the cutting board was almost meditative.

Anton watched Rafael from the doorway, his emotions a swirling mix of admiration and a tinge of jealousy. He saw the care with which Rafael prepared the meal. It was subtle, but Anton felt the pang of being edged out of his role as Selena's protector.

Rafael added the ingredients to a pot, the aroma of simmering broth filling the kitchen. He stirred the soup, tasting and adjusting the seasoning, his thoughts solely on Selena and what she needed to recover.

As Rafael finished preparing the tray, Alaric entered the kitchen. "Alex," Rafael acknowledged with a nod, setting the tray down. Alaric approached, his expression grave as he prepared to deliver his report.

"We entered the building with the guards last night to clear things up," Alaric began, his voice low and steady. "There was no one there except for the body of Carl."

Rafael's eyes narrowed slightly, his focus entirely on Alaric's words.

"It was horrifying," Alaric continued, his face paling slightly at the memory as he began speaking.

Carl was decapitated.

His head was found several feet away, eyes wide open in a final, frozen scream. His guts were spilled out, entrails trailing across the floor like grotesque ribbons. His limbs were twisted at unnatural angles, bones jutting through the skin. His fingers were bent back completely as if they had been crushed.

His torso was a mess of blood and tissue. It looked like he had been torn apart by a wild animal. There were deep gashes and slashes all over his body as if someone had taken their time inflicting as much pain as possible. The whole scene was a bloodbath.

Alaric finished his report-a slow, twisted smile spread across Rafael's face. It was a smile that spoke of dark satisfaction and a deep, almost sinister pride.

He was proud of his rose.

They are made for each other, Alaric shook his head.

Rafael took the tray and headed back in. They only came out in the evening.

Selena clung to Rafael with a desperation that bordered on madness, her fingers digging into his flesh as if trying to anchor herself to him. But to Rafael, her touch was both a balm and a catalyst for his deepest desires.

As the evening wore on, the shift in Selena's demeanor did not go unnoticed. Alex and Anton exchanged wary glances, sensing the change in the air. But Rafael paid them no mind, his attention focused solely on Selena.

He relished the way she clung to him, her need for him a heady elixir that fueled his desires. It was twisted, he knew, to find pleasure in her pain, but he couldn't deny the rush of power that surged through him as she leaned into him.


Things were going smoothly.

As Rafael spent the days with Selena, he couldn't help but marvel at the intricate layers of her persona. She was a master manipulator, skilled at navigating the complexities of their world with a finesse that left others in awe. Yet beneath that facade of strength lay a fragility that tugged at his heartstrings.

Despite her resilience, Selena was undeniably broken, her spirit fractured by the traumas she had endured. And yet, there was a beauty in her brokenness, a vulnerability that drew him to her like a moth to a flame.

I need her.

He relished the time they spent together, cherishing each moment as if it were precious and fleeting. He fed her with gentle care, taking pleasure as her eyes lit up with gratitude. And when night fell, he held her close, in his embrace until sleep claimed her.

Even Selena seemed surprised by the peace that settled over her in those moments, her nightmares held at bay by the warmth of his presence.

I need him.

Rafael sat alone in his dimly lit office, the air heavy with the weight of secrets long buried. His fingers clenched around the paper, the edges crumpling under the force of his grip. The number 1079 stared back at him, stark and accusatory.

He hoped, prayed even, that she would never uncover the truth-the truth of Hayate's death. He couldn't bear the thought of her discovering the horrors she had endured all these years, the nightmares that haunted her every waking moment.

All because of him.

Word Count: 896
Instagram: @vairhans

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