| 21. 𝑫𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑯𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒔

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I'm a prisoner to all of her
I question who I am
How can such an innocent woman have
Such dangerous hands?
~ Dangerous Hands, Austin Giorgio

Chapter 21. Dangerous Hands

It was her birthday today. She was eighteen.

"You look beautiful," Liliana cooed as the stylists worked on her daughter. Selena had chosen a modest red dress. She did not allow anyone to come near her while she changed clothes; they did not need to see her scars.

The hairstylist made her hair into a chic updo, every strand meticulously arranged with artistic precision. The makeup artist skillfully enhanced her features, bringing the allure that lingered beneath the surface.

Selena gazed at herself in the mirror. A faint smile bloomed on her face as she met her own eyes. "I look beautiful," she whispered.

Liliana's compliment echoed in the background, but Selena's gaze lingered on the reflection before her.

Today was the day she was going to bring out her cards.

It's time everyone acknowledged who she was.


"Everyone," Theodore's voice boomed through the hall.

"Selena Knight Mariano," he announced as the spotlight illuminated the stairs. Soft music played in the background, setting the stage for Selena's entrance. The room hushed as all eyes turned toward the descending figure in the red dress.

Selena descended with an ethereal grace, the delicate fabric of her gown trailing behind her like a scarlet waterfall. The soft glow of the spotlight cast a warm aura around her, creating an illusion of radiance that captivated the onlookers.

"Happy Birthday, my child," Theodore smiled, his eyes brimming with pride. His daughter looked perfect.

Selena smiled a genuine expression that reached her eyes. Her hand found its place on his arm as Theodore led her down the stairs, their bond evident in the shared rhythm of their steps.

The Elite group standing below, their eyes widened collectively. She was THE daughter. The one they taunted to be a lowly bastard. Viktor's face paled while Mirelle looked uncomfortable.

Kai maintained a poker face while Jaden appeared almost sleepy. Declan, however, was caught in a trance, his gaze fixed on Selena as if seeing her for the first time.

The atmosphere shifted as Theodore and Selena descended, a palpable energy that hung in the air. The Elite, those who had underestimated and scorned her, now faced the reality of her true identity.

"Why did you never tell us she was your sister," Viktor hissed at Samuel, the accusation heavy in his tone. Samuel, however, remained unfazed as he admired his sister.

"None of your business," Samuel retorted, his gaze not wavering. He knew the power dynamics well. They couldn't bully him in public.

The revelation had caught the Elite off guard, and Samuel relished in the discomfort that now enveloped them.

"Excuse me," he added with a subtle smile, dismissing Viktor.

The others exchanged glances, unsure how to react to this unexpected twist.

Maxim stood near Selena as Theodore introduced her to high society, his eyes scanning the room with an intensity that spoke of protectiveness. The ambient chatter and curious glances of the high society members seemed to grate on Maxim's nerves.

Maxim's gaze narrowed, and he subtly positioned himself closer to Selena, forming an invisible barrier around her. His towering presence and stern expression made most high society guests think twice about approaching his sister.

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