| 13. 𝑳𝒊𝒗𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑯𝒆𝒍𝒍

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Feels so heavy lying on the bedroom floor
I can make your life a livin' hell
If I wanted to, wanted to
~ Living Hell, Bella Poarch

Chapter 13. Living Hell

Power converged—a thick air laden with decisions capable of rewriting the world. All the leaders of the five families had gathered today for their quarterly meeting.

Theodore Mariano, Rafael Sullivan, Alastor Spade, Gavin Hernandez, Richard Clemonte.

Decanters of amber liquid adorned the table, the scent of aged whiskey enveloping the air. Cigar smoke lingered as unspoken deals and alliances took shape.

"I hope you remember our deal, Theodore," Richard spoke as he watched Mariano's eyes harden. "Now is not the time to discuss this." Why was Clemonte bring their deal in front of the table? Theodore did not like it.

Theodore's voice, a resonant bass, cut through the ambient murmurs. "Gentlemen, let us address the important matter at hand." He said while throwing Richard a look.

Rafael, his fingers tapping rhythmically on the table, met Theodore's gaze with a knowing glint in his eyes. "By all means, Theodore, enlighten us."

Theodore unfolded a document, its contents veiled in secrecy. "A new player has emerged. It threatens the delicate balance we've maintained."

Alastor's gaze intensified, his silent demeanor crackling. "And who might this player be?"

Theodore's lips curled into a grim line. "The Knighthood"

A collective hush fell over the room. Rafael's smirk widened.

Gavin leaned forward, his eyes calculating. "They have proven to be more than a mere wildcard. What's our move?"

Theodore's gaze locked with Alastor's, a silent exchange that spoke volumes. "We have two options. Subjugation or alliance."

Richard chuckled, the sound a low, mocking melody. "Ah, Theodore, always the pragmatist."

The discussion delved deeper into the strategies and counterstrategies.

Rafael leaned back in his chair, the wicked glint in his eyes undeterred. "Gentlemen, let's not forget the power dynamics at play. The Knighthood may be a force to reckon with, but unity has always been our greatest strength."

Gavin, the ever-shrewd negotiator, interjected, "Rafael has a point. Our internal cohesion has been the bedrock of our supremacy. If we splinter now, we risk playing into the Knighthood's hands."

"They've been infiltrating our business for the past three years. We've lost control over multiple ports, and our sea routes are under siege. It's detrimental to our functions."

Richard shook his head. "Let's not forget the ominous air surrounding them. While the Knighthood may portray themselves as gallant, never harming the public, the countless deaths surrounding them can't get overlooked."

"We're in the dark about their motives. We don't know what they're after."

"We need to stay united," Galvin pressed.

Theodore's gaze never wavered from Richard's, "Unity, yes, but not at the cost of compromising our principles."

Richard's retorted, "Principles, Theodore, are often the refuge of the inflexible."

Alastor finally spoke his words like ice cutting through the charged air. "We must present a united front. Any discord within us will get exploited by our enemies."

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