| 15. 𝑺𝒍𝒐𝒘 𝑫𝒐𝒘𝒏

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I don't know if you already know how
But girl, I got the feeling that you know now
~ Slow Down, Chase Atlantic

Chapter 15. Slow Down

Selena was on the cover. The Academy had made credit work mandatory, which consisted of 50% attendance for the academic semester. According to Alaric, the cover they constructed was ideal for her.

The Big Boss owned a palatial downtown hotel, and Selena couldn't believe she was appointed so quickly. She had just finished submitting her application when she received the call.

Curiosity brimmed in her body—how would it be to work with Rafael Sullivan?

She walked towards the lobby. As she walked inside, the lobby's vaulted ceilings and elegant chandeliers seemed to swallow her up. How much money this man has, she wondered.

In her Academy paper, she was starting to work for the hotel security team—a mundane desk job—but on the first day, Big Boss took her to the basement.

He'd established an underground training area where he trained his people to become top-tier weapons—the weapons that would cut through his enemies.

Her legs padded against the marble backsplash, creating a symphony with her racing heart; she always felt uneasy walking through these dimly lit corridors; it reminded her of the time of imprisonment in that dreadful place, and it plagued her to this day.

The scroll of memories of her first day working for Big Boss Rafael was still fresh in Selena's mind. They had arrived at a nondescript door, which Rafael unlocked with a pin code and thumbprint.

Selena couldn't help but feel a sense of awe as the door beeped open, revealing a massive arena that seemed to stretch out before her.

Lined were the walls with weapons, gadgets, and equipment that would make any tech-savvy person drool. Selena's eyes wandered over the impressive array of gear, marveling at the sophistication of the technology on display.

At the corner of the room was a glass cabin filled with high-tech gadgets and gizmos that looked like something out of a sci-fi movie.

"This is your training ground," Rafael said. With an easy gesture, he indicated her room. "I've laid out a curriculum for you. It covers everything you need to learn to become one of my most skilled individuals."

"Yours?" she questioned, locking eyes with him.

"Yes, mine," Rafael asserted. "I'm a possessive man, Selena. I detest the thought of my people being harmed or walking away from me."

"So I now belong to you," she mused.

An unfamiliar emotion sparked in Rafael's eyes. "Yes."

Selena chuckled, taking it as a joke.

Selena's eyes twinkled with amazement as she walked into the space. She felt like a kid in a toy store who was allowed to buy anything. He's even got snipers and grenade launchers in this room; a breath escaped her lips. She turned around, a huge grin stretching across her face, and looked at Big Boss.

"Thank you," she said, her tone crisp and sincere as she grabbed his hand, unable to control her excitement. Big Boss's eyes froze and dilated, looking at her. It was as if he was caught off guard by her gesture, unsure how to respond.

Selena felt the heat of his stare. Awkward, she tried to withdraw her hand. But to her surprise, he responded with a firm grip, drawing her closer. "Fight Alaric. Show me your strength."

"And if I win," she asked.

"You get what you want."


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