| 7. 𝑺𝒖𝒈𝒂𝒓 𝑫𝒂𝒅𝒅𝒚

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He love me, he give me all his money
That Gucci, Prada comfy
My sugar daddy
~ Sugar Daddy, Qveen Herby

Chapter 7. Crossfire

Liliana was overflowing with enthusiasm. They were going to shop, which was exhilarating, especially when she owned the black card.

"Sweetheart, I am going to spoil you. Buy whatever you want," she cooed to the indifferent girl. Her smile slipped. Then she reminded herself, the girl will not warm up to you overnight. You have over fifteen years of memories to fill.

Slowly, Liliana, your daughter will change her mind and open her heart.

Samuel came to a halt as he looked at his mother. "What are you doing?" He inquired.

"I'm taking your sister shopping," she disclosed. Samuel clenched his fist.

"I'll go with you," he added.

"No." Irritation flashed in his eyes.

Samuel pouted, "I need to buy new things, too," he forced, raising his voice an octave. "You maxed your credit card last month. No more shopping for you, mister," Liliana said, her eyes narrowing as she looked at the bitterness in his eyes.


"Don't you have a project to work on?" Samuel heard the authoritative voice speak from behind. "Dad," he whined.

Theodore settled his gaze on his son. That punk. Samuel stiffened and nodded, huffing, "Whatever." His father is the head of the family. He could not say no to his father while he stared at him—daring him to rebel.

Theodore pecked his wife's lips tenderly. "Buy whatever you want and be safe," he said, his lips brushing against hers, slipping his black Amex into her purse.

"Eww," Samuel gagged, goosebumps over his skin. Liliana stiffened as she acknowledged both her son and daughter were still present. Her face turned red and then warmed up as she noticed a lazy smirk curl on Theodore's face.

After nearly three decades of marriage, her heart still skipped a beat at his actions. She pushed her smug husband away. "Behave," she said, gritting her teeth.

Selena seemed bored by their lovey-dovey behavior. It was a total waste of time.

"Theo," Liliana urged. He could never win against her, the husband grumbled. "Yes," Theodore said, moving away from his wife. He wanted to hold her longer.

"Get whatever you want. Don't worry about the price; you deserve it all," he said, emphasizing his genuine desire to indulge her.

Her response was dry, lacking the enthusiasm he had hoped for. "Yes," she replied.

Theodore looked at her with a smile, but inwardly, his curiosity piqued. Ahh, daughter, you are not surprised by money, even though you've spent your entire life in an orphanage. Interesting, he thought to himself.

He continued to observe her closely, sensing something amiss. Where were you, Selena, and who are you? These questions echoed in his mind, urging him to dig deeper and uncover the truth.

Theodore maintained his smile, masking his growing suspicions. He decided to play along, not wanting to alarm her just yet. He needed more information before he confronted her.


They'd been out shopping for four hours, and her legs were exhausted. Selena's legs protested with each step, "Can we call it a day? My legs are beginning to feel like overcooked spaghetti."

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