| 17. 𝑷𝒍𝒂𝒚 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝑭𝒊𝒓𝒆

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Insane, inside
The danger gets me high
Can't help myself
Got secrets I can't tell
~ Play with Fire, Sam Tinnesz

Chapter 17. Play with Fire

Eyes fixed on her, Rafael approached Selena with deliberate steps.

"You think you can handle me?" she taunted.

His face remained unmoved, yet a twinkle of intrigue illuminated his eyes. "I can, I will."

Her audacity to meet his gaze head-on only heightened his fasication. She maintained eye contact, refusing to cower back.

Rafael was captivated by her. Her unflinching stare stirred something deep within him. Something he struggled to comprehend.

What am I feeling?

There was an alluring vulnerability in her unwavering eyes, a vulnerability that both enticed and bewildered him.

I want her.

With a slow curl of his fingers, his hand formed a tight fist. "Forgive me if I am too hard," Rafael confessed and lunged at her.

Selena evaded his attack, slipping under his arm. She could hear the swish when he punched the air. He did go hard.

"You are tough, but I am fast. Match my pace, boss," she winked at him.

He threw a powerful hook, aiming for Selena's midsection, but she swayed to the side, narrowly escaping the blow.

"Umm," Alaric cleared his throat and nudged Fabio. "Do you think their conversation is getting weird?" he whispered.

Fabio jerked aside as he rubbed his ear in irritation, feeling Alec's nasty breath on his skin. "Stay away from me," he growled in annoyance. Alaric pouted.

A second later, Alec couldn't resist pointing out, "Boss seems to have a thing for her, though."

Fabio threw him a look, shaking his head. "No, he's never been involved with any woman. He despises them after that incident."

Alaric countered, shaking his head. "But, think about it. He's started taking down those males with eagle tattoos that Selena despises since he tested her and had her work for him."

"He even let her work here at the hotel-a privilege reserved for those under him. Fuck, he takes her on a ride every week after I lose fighting her," he sulked in the end.

Fabio paused to consider Alec's words before turning to see the sparring duo.

She circled him, eyes glinting with playful defiance. "I must say, for someone of your vintage. You're holding up quite well. Must be all those years of wisdom keeping you agile."

Rafael narrowed his eyes at her.

"Maybe it is because she is Mariano's daughter," Fabio clipped back.

Alaric leaned back, crossing his arms. "But it's not just about the high relations, Fabio. Consider Kai Spade, the pharmaceutical company's next-in-line heir. Despite his high position, the boss refused to let him work at headquarters. He also turned down his niece, Mirelle, who expressed interest in working here. Selena is the only one who has received such special treatment."

Fabio's eyes dimmed as he looked at Selena.

Selena found herself pinned underneath Rafael, his eyes wavering as they remained fixated on her face. Her legs curled around his thigh, swiftly shifting her weight to pull him down. She turned his wrist at a painful angle, asserting her dominance.

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