| 36. 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑬𝒏𝒅

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You're taking me out
Haunting my heart
I'm at the end of the world with you
~ The End, JPOLND

Chapter 36. The End

Three weeks had passed and on the surface, Selena appeared as composed as ever. But internally, that was the question.

In her hand, she twirled the strawberry, its sharp edge glinting in the dim light of her room. She had sharpened it just the day before, the metallic tang of blood lingering in the air as a grim reminder of its deadly potential.

How would it feel, she wondered, to end it all with a single, swift motion gliding across her neck? Would the pain be dulled by the blade's keen edge, or would it sear through her like fire, consuming her in its agonizing embrace?

But before she could entertain the dark thoughts swirling in her mind, her phone rang, its shrill tone slicing through the silence like a knife.

Frowning, she glanced at the screen, her heart skipping a beat as she saw that the number was unknown. This should not be possible, she thought, her phone was equipped with the most advanced encryption technology, designed to keep her safe from prying eyes.

Yet here was a call from an unknown number, slipping through her defenses like a shadow in the night.

With a sense of foreboding, she answered the call, her voice cold and deathly calm.

"Who are you?"

"Liam," came the reply, a voice from the past echoing through the static-filled line.

"What do you want?" Selena asked, her tone clipped and to the point, her mind racing with a hundred questions and suspicions.

"Hayate," Liam said, the name hanging in the air like a specter haunting her every thought. "He was a good boy. Do you remember his last words?"

Don't trust anyone.

Selena felt a chill run down her spine at the memory of those words, spoken with such urgency and fear. "Poor boy," he murmured. "He disappeared before telling you the truth."

Liam chuckled, the sound sending shivers down Selena's spine. "I know who your real tormentor is," he said cryptically. "I know Master."

Selena's heart pounded in her chest as she listened to Liam's words, her mind racing to make sense of the tangled web of secrets and lies that surrounded her. "Why should I believe you?" she spat, her voice tinged with anger and suspicion.

"Why should you?" Liam replied, his tone mocking. "Hmm, Hayate did."

"After all, he left that night to come meet me."

Selena's grip on the phone tightened even further, her knuckles turning white with the effort. "Selena, you are not the naive girl Master still thinks you to be," Liam continued his words in a sinister whisper in the darkness. "You are smart, I already know deep down, that you have started to doubt him. Think. The night Hayate died."

"Let me give you a hint: Gasoline"

The word echoed in Selena's mind like a thunderclap, sending shockwaves of realization coursing through her veins. Gasoline-the smell that had lingered in the air.

Her hands trembled as she clutched the phone, her breath coming in short, ragged gasps. The truth was tantalizingly close now, within reach if only she dared to grasp it. But to do so meant facing the darkness head-on, confronting the demons that lurked in the shadows of her past.

She could feel her knees buckling beneath her.


Finally, as the firefighters subdued the flames, Selena and Rafael were escorted to the nearest hospital. The night air felt heavy with unspoken words, the weight of the ordeal etched on their faces.

In the sterile confines of the hospital waiting room, Selena remained silent. Three hours passed; each minute etched a deeper worry on her face. Yet she said nothing.

Her eyes stirred when she heard the rush. It was Big Brother. Anton's towering figure entered the room, and Selena leaped from her seat, throwing herself into his arms as he enveloped her in a reassuring hug. "Hey, it's going to be okay. Nothing can happen to Hayate," he murmured, holding her tighter. "He is a strong boy."

Selena said nothing.

Anton's eyes met Rafael's. An acknowledging nod passed between them, a silent exchange that spoke volumes. It was a wordless expression of gratitude, Anton silently thanking Rafael for being by Selena's side during this tumultuous time. Rafael frowned, watching them embrace.

Anton pulled Selena closer as they settled onto a nearby chair, her head finding refuge on his chest. Her nose scrunched as she inhaled his scent, hugging him tighter.


His scent.

His scent of cedarwood.

His scent of cedarwood mixed with gasoline.

"Little one, let's eat dinner," Anton entered with a smile as he patted her head.

The amber eyes, framed by a thick fringe of dark lashes, sparkled with warmth and kindness, their hue reminiscent of golden honey bathed in sunlight.

They were overlapped with that of the faceless monster.

It was Big Brother.

Word Count: 806
Instagram: vairhans




Hey there, loves!

Wow, what a journey we've been on together, right? As I sit here, wrapping up this chapter of our adventure, I can't help but wonder... Did you see that ending coming? The reveal that left us all hanging on the edge of our seats? Did you predict it, or did it catch you off guard?

And Rafael... Oh, Rafael. What's going on in his mind? Why is he blaming himself? What secrets does he hold? The questions are swirling, and I can't wait to dive deeper into the mysteries he's hiding. What are your theories? I'm all ears!

But let's not forget about Selena. Through all the betrayals, the twists, and turns, she's remained resilient. Can she keep going? Will she survive the next wave of betrayals heading her way? I'm rooting for her, but who knows what lies ahead?

So, dear reader, thank you for joining me on this rollercoaster ride. This may be the end of one chapter, but trust me, there's so much more to come. Keep your eyes peeled for Book 2 because this was just the beginning. Let's continue this journey together, shall we?

BOOK 2 coming soon......

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