| 11. 𝑷𝒚𝒔𝒄𝒉𝒐

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You got me feeling like a psycho, psycho
~ Pyscho, Red Velvet

Chapter 11. Psycho

"B-boss, all-l of them, all-l of them were d-dead," the trembling man cried.

"What do you mean, speak properly?" hissed Alec. The man was an embarrassment to their organization. His brown eyes pierced the quivering man, who knelt to look into his sharp eyes. With a loud thump, his knees landed on the cold floor. Fabio cringed at the sound as he sipped the cognac.

"S-sorry," the man stammered out.

"Um," he mumbled. He tried to relax and took a deep breath at that point. His palm was sweating as he had the urge to puke. "Boss," he said, his gaze fixed on the boss man. "The Club. He killed everyone last night. All forty-eight of them," he said in a dreary voice.

"And our resources believe it was... Liam," the single articulation perplexed everybody within the room.

Rafael Sullivan's eyes hardened, and the veins on his arms popped as he clenched his fist.


One word stunned everybody to their core.

"You mean THE Liam?" Alec prodded, his face pale as he watched the man nod in agreement. Impossible. His eyes wavered. It meant trouble. No, worse. It meant death.

Countless deaths.

He was a slaughtering machine on the move. Whispers ejected from the room, quickly becoming raucous clamors. Individuals began reviling and yelling at one another. How is that possible? How could they have been so irresponsible as to let that killing machine into their domain?

"Enough." The deep snarl of the vicious man silenced the entire room.

They all turned their attention to the Big Boss. They all turned their attention to the Big Boss. The power he wielded. One word from him and everybody closed their fucking mouths in a room full of thunders.

"He is here for THAT," Alec looked at his boss, watching the cruel man's eyes darken and jaw clench. The organization was incompetent to allow Liam and let his bloody hands on that.

Alec's knees buckled, watching the seething anger evident on his boss's face.

"Stop all our other activities. We need to get our hand on that before anyone," Rafael commanded.

"Yes, Big Boss."

There was going to be a bloodbath.


Selena sat at her desk—phone pressed to her ear as she listened to her big brother's voice on the other end. She had always looked up to him, and he had always been there for her, offering advice and support.

"So, how's the business going?" he asked in Russian.

"It's going great," Selena replied, continuing to speak Russian. It rolled like her mother tongue. The Knighthood was flourishing and growing faster than ever.

"I just landed a big contract with the Indians, and things are starting to take off. I will get access to the Arabian Sea.."

"That's fantastic news," her big brother said. "I always knew you had the drive and determination to make it a success." A smile bloomed on her face.

"Thanks," Selena said, feeling a warm glow of pride. "I couldn't have done it without your support."

"Of course not," her brother said. "You've always been one of the hardest-working people I know. But remember, even when things are going well, you can't let your guard down. People will be envious, like vipers—they would try to poison your hard work. Keep an eye out. And I will keep my eyes on you, little one."

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