| 20. 𝑺𝒑𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒂𝒍𝒛

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You are my special
~ SPECIALZ, King Gnu

Chapter 20. Specialz

Garold's gaze bore into Selena with suspicion, but he restrained the words that threatened to escape. Today, he had dropped her off at the hotel for her internship, a routine occurrence that had become part of their days.

Navigating through the hotel's lobby, Selena walked to the reception desk. While she had no actual work today, she wanted to meet Rafael.

"Where's the boss?" she casually inquired, a familiarity built through weeks of exchanged gossip evident in her interaction with the receptionist. In response, a warm smile met her question. "He's on the private floor."

With a nod of acknowledgment, Selena started her journey toward the elevator. The receptionist, however, interjected, stopping her mid-stride. "This is a private elevator. Only the boss, second, and third in command can access it," she informed, gesturing toward the thumb scanner affixed to the elevator's entrance.

Selena, seemingly undeterred, continued her approach. Before the receptionist could finish her cautionary sentence—Selena placed her finger on the scanner. A beep resonated through the air, the light turning a reassuring shade of green as the elevator doors slid open. The receptionist, taken aback, couldn't conceal her gasp.

Even Selena, for a fleeting moment, found herself slightly surprised. When had Rafael managed to obtain her fingerprint for the system?

The private floor unfolded like a tapestry of sophistication and exclusivity. Selena traversed the corridor, looking at the walls decorated with abstract artworks. Soft ambient lighting cast gentle shadows, revealing the intricate details of each piece, while plush carpets underfoot absorbed the echo of her footsteps.

Lost in the mesmerizing ambiance, Selena entered a foyer, momentarily uncertain of her destination. A small gasp escaped her lips, arrested by the sight before her—a painting that seized her senses with its dark yet captivating allure.

It was a masterpiece in monochrome, a chiaroscuro of emotions. The hues of black and grey coalesced in a swirling vortex—creating a design that seemed to breathe with a life of its own.

The delicate play of light and heavy ink strokes rendered ethereal landscapes, where shadows whispered secrets and the ink danced in defiance of the mundane.

Selena stood fascinated, her eyes tracing the contours of the painting's narrative. "You are here?" Fabio broker her out of the stupor.

"Can you take me to the boss?" she asked as he led her through multiple interconnected rooms. "He is in there," he said, turning and leaving.

Selena took a breath and entered, pushing the door. Rafael's eyes subtly widened as he looked at her, his breath turned shallow, and a vivid image flashed in Rafael's mind—him pinned underneath her, an electrifying memory that sent a shiver down his spine. He could feel his ears burning.

"Let's date, big boss."

The file in his hand almost slipped.



She tilted her head, internally screaming as her brain froze. "What did you say?" she asked, playing it cool.

"Yes," he repeated slowly, his eyes locked on hers. Selena could see his normally stoic grey eyes sparkling with an unusual excitement.

"Yes, what?" she asked, confused.

It was as if her brain was showing an error 404—successful malfunction.

"Yes, I would like to date you," he spoke each word slowly and firmly, enunciating each syllable.

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