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A bright sunny day everyone at the equation playground and things were going well until everything started to act strange nine was so depressed and almost of Alebraliens came over like 10 8 7 6 5 4 and X. Nine took off his glasses and tears in his eyes and kind like of red and 10 had a bad feeling about this and told four that "something seems very suspicious to me something seems wrong four" and four agreed with ten and alebraliens whispered to each other why is nine acting like this and eight gets very pissed off and yelled at nine and then nine ran off crying blood. They didn't see nine the next day and they didn't saw eight too and they thinked that eight probably had to something and weeks later they were still missing and everyone was worried and everyone decide to go see eight at his house and they saw blood all over the place and everyone was in shock and there were writhing on the walls that said "YELL YELL YELL YELL YELL". They think nine did this and they knocked at nines door and nine was a mutant beast and six was getting so much bad vibes from him and they tell very alebralien don't go near nine and everyone was scared to go there and months later nines house started to burn down. They saw nine ran off looking normal and ten , six , seven , four and x looked at each other and thinking didn't they saw nine as a terrifying monster? The next day they founded nines skateboard six picks it up they started to tear up and wished this never happened and the other alebraliens felt bad for six and six stare's at the burned down house and thinking "what's wrong with him?" And seven replies "hey I did saw nine ran off to that evil forest that where evil leafy is idk if evil leafy is still alive.." the other alebraliens looked at seven with anger and then five says "why didn't you tell us in the first place! We could have looked for nine you idoit!" Seven went silence and stayed sad and almost all of the alebraliens goes into the evil forest and thinks looks normal and they saw nines shades on the grass with dried blood foot prints and x says "this is scary how are we gonna find nine!.." and then six says "then we have to follow these foot prints then to find Nine." Everyone follows six and they saw nine sitting staring at the blue sky with blood on his hands and everyone stare's at nine then six walks up to nine and six touches his shoulder then nine yells "don't touch me or it will happen again!" Then nine runs off and everyone thinked what he meant by "or it will Happen again" and x says "what does he mean by that!" And x looks at six with a frown and six says "I don't know what he meant x don't worry we'll find out.." and then it turns night everyone locks there doors and windows closed the blinds and everyone was a asleep until they heard a loud screech louder than four's screech and two went outside what it was and saw nine kidnapped a other algebralien and two was shocked in fear and he felt frozen in fear and couldn't move a muscle and then two started to run off to someone else and they went to six and two telled them what happened and everyone went to six but one algebralien missing gone missing by nine so six decide to count everyone 2 4 7 10 and everyone noticed five is gone and then six says "we need to have a plan and get five back and try to make nine normal if it's possible." and then seven said "What if it was not possible Six!! like we're gonna die if we don't fix him at all! Like it's not him any more I just wish I knew how this happened and also where's X?" everyone went silent in the room and Two said "We gotta go check on them!" and they went to X's house and they saw X doing completely fine and everyone was in relief and glad x was okay and x looked at them really confused and said "what are you guys doing here??" And six said "we noticed you were not with us so we went to check up on you to make sure you weren't kidnapped or murdered.." x went in shocked and said "what do you mean by "kidnapped"? Did someone got kidnapped?." X with a worried look and seven said "nine took five some where else." And silent in the room and ten said "don't worry guys we'll find them we just some clues where nine would have taken them." And four said "your right ten we should look for some clues where nine could have kidnapped five and find them where are they at and I hope we find them alive I hope not dead." And everyone went outside and six pointed out a baseball bat and probably five got hit by it and 4 saw foot prints leading some where and everyone decided follow the foot prints and leading it into a forest and everyone thought this threw and seven said "The forest?. Why would nine take five here for.?" And six said "no idea seven but we have to think of a plan if we saw nine" and then two said "your right six we have to think." And everyone tried thinking of a plan and seven said "why won't we just tackle nine down to the ground? And tie them up?" And everyone looked at seven and four said "probably" so everyone went into the forest and trying to find five and founded five tied up to a tree and everyone was in shock and nine came out of no where and seven tried tackle nine then nine punched them and seven fell to the ground and everyone looked at nine and five still tied up and nine laughing at them and saying "you fell into my trap!"
(Don't worry part 2 is coming out soon :D)

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