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Two gets up from there bed and walking to the living room and seeing three on there laptop and two sits by three and saying "so three watcha doing?" And three notices two that they were sitting by them and three says "gah! Don't scare me like that two!" And two putting there hand on there head and saying "oh sorry three!" And they both stayed in silence and two says "sooo what are you doing three?" And three says "oh nothing you should go do something" and two gets up and walking away and two walking in the kitchen and seeing six and ten talking to each other talking about key lime pie, two sitting down by them and saying "why are you two talking key lime pie?" And six says "why not?" Ten walks up to the fridge abd opening the fridge and getting key lime pie and getting a fork from the cabinets and ten sits on the chair and opening the box of key lime pie and six says "oh! Can I have a slice?" And ten says "sure six!" And ten gets up to get a knife to cut the key lime pie and ten sits back down and cutting a slice for six and for themselves and two says "I'm just gonna make tea." And two making tea, six and ten eating key lime pie and two sits down with tea in there hand and cooling down the tea and two drinks the tea and six finishing there key lime pie and six gets up from the chair and walks over to the sink and puts in the sink and walks back and two says "sooo how's y'all day going I just got out of my bed heh." And six says "pretty great so far I guess you do have any plans for today two?" And two realizes and two says "FUCK! I gotta go!" And two runs out of the kitchen and ten says "what was up with them?" And six shrugs
Two running to the living and seeing if three was there and three was gone and runs to threes room and kicking the door down and three looks at two and yelling "What the fuck Two! Why the fuck did you kick my door down for?!" And two saying "don't you remember about your computer saying Morse codes dumbass." And three realized and three says "Oh sorry two alright let's go to the secret hideout." And they both walk outside and three holding their laptop and the both of them go in the forest and they go the secret hideout and three puts away there laptop and they sit down in a chair and turns on the Computer and the Morse code glitching and three says "sooo can you read it?" And two says "what a minute.." and two looks at the computer screen and two says "Why do I feel like I've see a Morse code some where.." and three looking at them with confusion
Two's Thoughts
Why am I thinking about that Morse code in nines cave like I mean I didn't know what it said this is probably a waste of time for three hmmm maybe I could do something..
Three says "soo? Two?" And two looking at them and looking at computer screen and two sweating and two says "uhh.. I'm sorry three if I wasted your time I don't know how to read Morse codes!" Two runs out of the secret hideout and three yelling "YOU FUCKING BITCH!" And two running threw the woods and tripping on a log and two "ehh I'm probably away from them now." And two walking threw the woods and two decides to look behind them and two sees three charging at them and nine behind a tree and while seeing three running full speed at two, nine says "ooh! What's happening here?" And nine climbs the tree with there claws and jumps to a other tree to see what was happening and three yelling "come back here two!" And two starts running and two starts laughing and three saying "don't you dare laugh you bitch!" And two says "I'm sorry three!" And two stops running and starts looking at three and three running slowly and three walking up to two and slapping two and two says "ouch!" And tree says "that's what you get two." And three sees one walking three walking up to one and three says "Hii! One!!" And One says "Oh hi three." and two walks up to the both of them and one sees two "oh hey two." And nine jumps to a other tree
Nines Thoughts
Ooo! The three of them hmm? Which one should I attack? Or maybe this is too early.. okay but who should be killed next? Hmm two? No what about one? Yea one I'll kill one!
And three says "what's that in the bag one?" And one says "Oh I made something for six!" And two says "wait really what did you made them?" And all them stopped walking and one something out of the bag and one says "a arm that I made but yea." And one puts it back in the bag and two says "Oh wow!" And three says "like what kind of arm?" And one says "Oh it's like robotic but yea I made it." And all of them continue walking and two says "are you guys hearing trees shaking?" And one says "yea it's coming from that tree" and everyone looks at the tree and sees a little shadow and three says "it's probably just a animal." And one says "there's no animals around here" and two says "uhm.. I have a bad feeling about this.." and Nine jumps out of the tree and scares the three of them and two "Gah! Nine what are you doing here!" And Nine says "Oh heheh! Just me I'm just only being me hahah!" And three notices they don't have there weapon
Three's Mind
We're so fucked..
One says "what are you gonna do kill us?!" And nine says "Oh haha! No! I'm here to uhh Uhmm" and nine starts swinging their arms and scratches two's face with his claws and one whispering to three "what the fuck is nine doing?"

————————————————————————————————————————————————One says "what are you gonna do kill us?!" And nine says "Oh haha! No! I'm here to uhh Uhmm" and nine starts swinging their arms and scratches two's face with his claws and one whispering to three "w...

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Two says "so we're gonna ignore that nine literally scratched my face" and three notices and says "two! You're bleeding!" And two says "I think I'll be fine three."
Nines Thoughts
This didn't go well as planned heh.. They are just looking at me they look stupid not gonna like i kinda want to steal that bag.. it looks nice I guess but whatever I mean I did kinda attacked two and what the fuck am I doing THINK THINK! Oh wait I could just get away from these dumbasses! I'm just gonna go climb up the tree I'll kill one soon heh....
Nine says "Bye losers!" nine starts climbing up the tree and one saying "oh no you don't!" And one trying to grab nine and nine sticks his tongue at one and gets up to the top of the tree and starts jumping to tree to tree and three says "just let him go this was pretty much dumb." And one says "I guess so let's go" and they all go out of the forest and two still putting there hand on there scratch on there face and blood on there hand and they go inside and seeing six laying on the floor staring at the ceiling and six notices that they were looking at them and saying "oh hey guys!" And one says "hey six why are you looking at the ceiling for and I also got you something." And six says "oh yea sorry about that and what did you also get me?" And one gets there bag and puts out a robotic arm and six says "Woah! Really for me? Thank you one!" And six hugs one and one says "your welcome buddy" And six puts it on and says "woah!" And six runs up to x and says "X look what one got me!" And x with amazement "Woah six!" And Six sits down on the couch and X walks up to two and says "are you okay two?! There's blood on your hand and there's a scratch on you!." And two says "Oh please Nine was acting like a dumbass." And X says "what exactly was nine doing?" And two explains the whole thing and X says "Strange heh but let's put a band-Aid on that scar like a big band-aid!" And two says "alright alright." And two walks away with x and one goes to the kitchen and sits down and they put the their bag on the table and one spacing out and three thinking and decides to go to the living room and read a book and so three does that and starts reading a book and six checking our their arm and six says "soo three how's you're day been going?" And three looks at six and says "Good and weird I guess what about you?" And six says "Oh good and bad" and three says "why bad?" And six says "Oh five took there anger out on everyone and They kinda tried to flip the table over and more crazy stuff heh."  And three says "Oh wow." And they talked for a while and then two comes in the living and says "Hey y'all and what are you guys doing?" And six says "Oh we're just talking" and three says "so did it stop bleeding?" And two says "Uh yea can't you see?" And three rolls their eyes
Mean while with Nine
Nine walking threw his cave and drawing a blood drawing of one getting there head chopped off and nine says "Hmm what should I add next? Oh oh! I know!" And Erases some blood and add a little bit a blood to the blood drawing and nine says "Oh perfect! I'll just cut off there head and I'll probably take a bite out of them! Anyways I'm gonna go check on six's chopped off arm.. hmm.. it's doing great I'm quite glad it hadn't rotten!" And nine carrying the arm around them and nine says "hey six's arm what do you want to do?" And six's arm flop's down and nine says "not much of a talker eh? And I wonder how long sevens body has been there." And nine puts down six's arm and sits down by it and he thinks for a while
Well that was part 12 I hope you liked and part 13 coming soon!! :D (had to fix a little spelling mistakes lol.)

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