The Fight..

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Seven tries to fight nine and nine laughs for a bit then he snaps away and takes seven and five and ten says "we have to get them back but where would we find them!" Ten with a worried looking at six and six falls on the ground everyone runs to them and two says "are you alright six?!" Six with silence and looking at two and says "they are just make a other trap or some kind of bullshit two if they keep on doing this what's the point.. what if we don't get them back what if seven and-" two says "woah woah woah hold your horses calm down six we'll get them back no time don't worry six we'll get this through" two smiles at six and six says "thanks two." And all of them started to walk off while with seven and five and "I can't believe we got into this mess!" Five angrily saying that and Seven crying in fear "I can't take this what if we get murdered by nine. Nine has gotten insane!!" Seven looking at five with a worried look "whatever we'll just have to find a way to get out of here.." nine walking up to five "do you want to be next?" Nine with a smile "you fucking psycho! Let me go you bitch!" Five said angrily and nine laughing and saying "heh you think you can get out that easily I like to see you try.. anyways I'll go get the tools.." nine tapes sevens mouth with duck tape and seven mumbling and kicking there legs trying to hurt nine and seven still crying and seven trying to scream five says "don't worry seven we'll get out of here.." and then nine walks into the cave.. five trying to chew up the ropes but they were too hard and seven trying to scream and still freaking out and five tries to wiggle out the ropes "well the tree is just gonna hurt my back.. wait! I should yell for help!" Five yelling trying to get the others over here ugh.. five yelling again but louder while with the group and six hears yelling "do you guys hear that?" Ten says "yea I do! We should try following the yelling let's go team!" All of them running to the yelling and immediately finds seven and five tied up to the trees and nine comes out with tools and nine says "oh guests I see.. would you like to join them?.." nine with a evil smile and six yells at nine "nine! This isn't you! Like what the fuck! Why can't things back to normal this is not the nine I know.." six with angry tears.. X looks at six with a worried look and nine looks at six with silence and starting to laughing and six says "what so fucking funny you asshole!.." and nine says "wow your so fucking pathetic!" Six walks to nine and grabs one of there tools and six tackles them and stabbing them in there eye and nine pushes them off "you son of a bitch!" Nine running towards six and ten comes up to nine and punches them in the face and ten looks at six and six drops the weapon and starts breaking down to tears sitting on the ground and four and x unties seven and five "thanks x.." says five and then five looks at six and nine gets up and touches there own cheek and then starts running off with there tools and turns into a mutant beast and six looks at nine running off and says "it can't be them.." while mumbling ten walks up to six and sits right next to them ten rubbing there back "it will be okay.." ten looks at six with a smile and six still crying and ten carry's six on there back all of them goes home and trying to figure out what happened to nine...
(Part 3 coming soon!!)

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