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Everyone standing outside doing there own thing and Five reading a book And five sitting by a tree and five looks around, looking at everyone and five continues to read their book and Six blowing bubbles and Four popping the bubbles since four was bored and Everyone doing there own normal things expect for Three and three says "I won't ignore what happened, if one dies what should I do?.." and three looks down at the grass and three walks inside and ten notices and decides to follow three and then three goes into the kitchen and ten says "Three what are you doing?" And three looks behind them checking who it was and noticing it was ten, Then three says "Gah! Ten what are you doing here! Hehehe.." and Ten says "Oh uh nothing I was just checking up on you buddy?" And three says "Oh uh I kinda want to be alone can ya go please?" And ten says "Alright alright I'll go" and then ten leaves the kitchen and ten goes outside and Three says "phew.."

Three's Mind:
phew.. I almost got caught and Why was ten following me? Why were they are they getting suspicion from me? I hope not..
Three goes to the drawers and then opens the drawers and sees a knife and three starts getting flash backs and Three says "No no! Why now?!" Then three picks up the knife and Three starts walking to the room where one was and three looks over one with a knife in there hand
"Do it three.."

"Do it."

"Stab them three"

The voice sounding like nine
Three yells out "No I won't do it!" Three drops the knife and sits down on a chair right by one and three starts crying and Three looks at their hands and says "Whats.. going on with me.. am I the problem.. what is it?.. leave my head you stupid v-voice!"

"Oh! Cmon three just do it! It will be much fun cmon three!!"

"Just do it three!"

"Stab one!"

"Stab them"

"Stab them."

Three yells again "NO! I won't do it they're my friend and I will never do that and I don't want someone else dying leave me alone Nine! Leave my mind!" And three still crying and then Three gets up out of the chair quickly and runs out of the room and Slamming the door shut and everyone in the living room and they see three crying and running to their room and Six says "Wait what's up with three?" And Two says "I dunno but I'm going to there room." And ten says "I'm gonna go check up on One alright guys?" And Two walks to Threes bedroom door and Two knocks on there door and Three yells out "GO AWAY!" And Two says "Please Three can I talk to you what happened Three?" And three goes silent and three mumbles and Two says "What was that?" And three says "I said I don't wanna talk about it please Two just leave me alone.." and two walks away from there bedroom door and Ten yells out "WHY IS THERE A KNIFE IN ONES ROOM!" And Everyone gasps and Six runs over there and sees the knife on the floor and Ten says "Did three tried fucking killing one? What the fuck." And Everyone In room and Eight says "What has gotten into them?" And X says "I don't think I can trust three.." and Six not saying anything and Six says "Wait guys what if three was being controlled by something?!" And Ten says "Shut it Six." And Six goes silent and six mumbles "fuck you ten." And ten looks at Six and Then says "What did you say Six?" And Six turns away to not look at Ten and Ten looks at there back and Then says "What do you think you doing you fucking pussy" and six turns around and looks at ten and Six slaps Ten's Face with their Robotic arm and Ten says "Ow you son of a Bitch!" And Six slaps Ten in the face again and Six runs out of the room flipping off Ten and Ten says "that son of a bitch will pay.." and Two says "To be honest Ten you were acting like a asshole and much of a jerk." And Ten says "Shut the fuck up Two." And Two pushes ten and then says "How about you stop being such a bitch." And Ten says "Shut up asshole." And Two walks away and leaving the room and Two sees Six laying down on the sofa with a fluffy blanket wrapped around them and two walks by six and sits by Six and Two says "You look comfortable." And six mumbles and buried their face on the pillow and Two says "are you okay six?" And Six says "no" while there face is on the pillow and Two says "I'm really sorry what happened back there but Ten really deserve that slap!" And Six says "Yea." And silence filled the room and Two says "Do you want some tea I was about to make some" and six says "suurreeeee, can you also make me a Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich please?" And two says "Sure buddy" then Two smiles at Six and Two walks to the kitchen and preparing some tea and while the tea is pouring into the cup, Two making a sandwich for six and Two heard the tea was done, Two continues to make the sandwich for Six and Two walks to the cabinets to get a plate, Then Two gets a paper plate and puts the sandwich on the paper plate and Two grabs both of the Tea Cups and walking to the Living room and two sits down by Six, Then two puts down both of the Tea cups and Two puts down the paper plate with the sandwich
Two says "here you go Six just the way you like it." And Then Two sips their Tea and Six gets up and Six groans, Then Six unwrapping their self of the blanket they had and Six says "Thanks Two." And Then Two says "You're welcome buddy." And Six picks up the sandwich and Six takes a bite out of the sandwich and Then six finishes the sandwich and Six starts drinking the Tea and Two says "What do you think?" And Six says "This is good tea Two!" And six drinks all of the tea in their cup and Six says "Thank you two." And Two says "No problem six." And Six wraps their self with the blanket again and six lays down on the sofa and Two hearing yelling in the background

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