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At night everyone was asleep threw the night nine was still awake.. nine opens the front door then walks in thinking who to take and decides to take seven then nine carry's them in there arms walking threw the forest then goes to the cave and nine hangs seven on the ceiling with sevens hands and nine leaves seven and walks threw the cave going somewhere and then it turns morning comes in.. everyone wakes up. Six walking to the kitchen everyone there expect for seven and then six says "hey guys where's seven?" Then four says "I dunno" and then six says "I'm gonna go check on them in there room alright guys?" And six walks into sevens room and notice seven is gone with no traces and six runs into the kitchen saying "GUYS SEVEN IS GONE!" And everyone looking shocked and x says "Don't tell me they been taken again!" And ten says "I'm guessing so they were taken.." and four stands up and says "there's no way they were taken! They probably maybe taking a morning walk! Ugh." And six looks at four then says "you don't know that four! You don't know if they are on a morning walk or taken!" And four says "then why is the front door open then!" Four rolling there eyes and six's looks at the door with a little scratch mark and six says "then what's this little scratch mark when we don't have those types of hands and nine is crazy and he has those sharp hands or something it's crazy! And then one says "can you guys stop fighting for just one second we're trying to eat breakfast." And eight says "yea I agree with one." Then they all eat there food and then six gets up and walks out trying to find clues where seven is and four looks at six while outside and four says "what are you trying to do six." And six says "I'm trying to find clues what do you think?!" And four says "whatever." And four walking to the equation playground and six looks at the forest and sees nine looking at them while nine in the forest behind a tree and six says "WHAT THE NINE?!" And then six falls to the ground and looking shocked and four sees six on the ground and runs over to six and four says "six are you okay?!" And six looking at the forest and four looks at the forest and doesn't see nothing then four says "you made me came here for nothing?!" And six says "I-I saw nine I swear!" And six looking scared and four looks at six's face and four knew they were serious and four says "do you seriously saw him?!" And six nodded yes and four grabs six's hand makes six get up and four lets go six's hand and six says "thanks four." And four "yea yea yea you're welcome." And then four says "alright let's get to the point you saw nine and you think seven has been taken?" And six says "what if nine took seven to murder seven?.." and four looks at six with a shock face then four says "I think you're right.." then six says "let's go tell the others there inside." And four nodded and then six and four walk inside and they both look at everyone and then ten says "so uh.. what's up with the shocked faces?" And four says "six saw nine and thinks nine took seven but what if six is right?!" And x says "I mean six could be right.." and three says "if seven is in that cave there's no way I'm going in that cave it's super dangerous and almost all the zeros are dead!" And six says "how do you know almost all the zeros are dead?" And three with a nervous chuckle then says "Oh! Hehe.. so uhm.. so me and one did witness nine killing them even tho the zeros are a bit useless and a zero did ran into the forest and we didn't know where it went but it says it was never killed on my computer and even one's computer!" And six says "oh jeez.." and x says "I guess that's a good example?" And four says "okay but we gotta go in the forest before it's too late!" While with seven.. seven wakes up then says "ugh.. where am I?.." and seven looks at the chains around there hands and looks down and noticed they were hanging in nines cave and seven started tearing up and seven yelling "WHY AM I HERE GET ME OUT OF HERE! WHERES EVERYONE I NEED HELP!" And nine walking by them and nine saying "why hello.." with a chuckle and seven says "WHAT DO WANT FROM ME LEAVE ME ALONE!" And nine infront of them and then says "I'm here to hmm.. Oh haha!" And seven tears going down on the ground and nine pulling a knife from there back and seven starts kicking there legs and wiggling and seven yelling "NO! DONT DO THIS TO ME PLEASE! I DONT WANNA DIE!" And seven tearing up again and nine "ha.. don't worry my dear you'll die painfully." And seven yelling "LET ME GO YOU FUCKING PSYCHOPATH! LEAVE ME ALONE I HATE YOU I HATE YOU!" And nine looking at sevens face and nine goes to there table and getting a needle and walking to sevens leg and seven kicking there legs and nine puts the needle in and seven stops kicking there legs and seven feeling dizzy and seven passes out and nine says "perfect.. my recording to my plan.. they will all die they will never see there normal nine since I've taken over nine.. they will all die! Hahaha!" And Nine coughs and nine grabs there knife mean while with the others then three says "you know what fine I'm going" and everyone agrees and all of them following six and they find the cave and hide behind bushes and they see nines shadow with a knife stabbing someone and five with a shocked face covering there mouth and stopped looking and four says while whispering "hey five are you okay?" And ten says "I don't think there okay." And then x says "I think we should leave them alone i do kinda have the same feeling at five.." and mean while with nine.. and nine stabbing seven and nine unhangs seven and seven falls to the ground and saying "please.. nine don't do this to me.." and seven crawling to get out of the cave and nine stabs them in the back multiple times and nine stabs sevens head and nine stands up and leaves the knife on sevens head and nine goes deeper threw the cave and while with the others six gets out of the bush and four watches six going in the cave and six screams and everyone runs after six they see six looking at sevens body and ten says "don't tell me that we were-" and x says "yes ten.. we were too late.." and everyone sits by six while being sad..


Well seven is murdered and a zero on the lose! And when Nine called seven dear it's not like a ship way it's like a death way you know anyways part 10 I think coming soon!

The Death Day Of The AlgebraliensWhere stories live. Discover now