One and Three

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One laying on a bed and everyone around them and Six says "Will they be alright three?" And three says "Yes they will be okay and it's a good thing that there breathing but they will be gone for a while tho but still alive they will wake up soon.." and six says "do you mean a coma?.." and three saying "I guess you could say that.." and three starting to cry and the whole room goes silent and three says "can you guys go please?.." and ten says "alright then let's go guys." so ten, eight, six, five, four, two, and X exits the room and ten closes the door leaving three in there with one and three pulls up a chair and sits down in the chair right by one on the bed and three says "I'm gonna miss you buddy.."

And three looking away from one and three thinking about the stuff that one had and three gets up from the chair and then looks at one and says "Don't worry one I'll be back and I'm just gonna check out some stuff in our hide out alright?" And the...

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And three looking away from one and three thinking about the stuff that one had and three gets up from the chair and then looks at one and says "Don't worry one I'll be back and I'm just gonna check out some stuff in our hide out alright?" And then Three leaves the room and closes the door and everyone at the living and three walks into the living and sits down by ten watching Steven Universe and six says "What a nice show." And three says "what show is this?" And six says "Oh it's Steven Universe!" And three says "Oh nice." And they continued to watch Steven Universe and Three says "I'm gonna go now you guys have fun alright?" And X says "Alright!" And three walks out side and into the forest and three looks around and then says "It doesn't feel right without one but they are in a coma but I don't know how long for but I have to get used to this.." three continues to walk threw the forest and walks into the hideout that three and one had and three looks at one's desk and three walks over to one's desk and check out one does and three picks up a test tube and three saying "Oh wow I didn't know one does a lot of work." And three puts down the test tube and three sees a picture of the old pictures and three says "It's been 13 or 11 years I'm guessing? Ever since X finds out his value?" And three stops looking at one's desk and exits the hideout and walking threw the forest and goes back to the home and walks in and notices there watching a other show and three says "What are you guys watching now?" And Four says "Oh just a object show." And three says "Oh alright" then three walks out of the living room and walks into the room where one was and three walks in and sees five looking at one and three says "Uh five what are you doing?" And five snaps out of it and Five says "Oh nothing.." and Five leaves the room and three looking confused and three walks up to one and sits down on the chair where three put it at then three looks at one and three reaches their hand to feel one's head and three says "it's warm." And three puts their hand away from one and One still breathing and three says "It will be alright one I'm here for you but I'm sorry that you lost you're friend that was seven.." and three looks away from one and gets up and Three says "Bye one." And then three leaves the room while closing the door and three walking into the kitchen to make a sandwich and three sees ten and four talking and Ten says "Oh I have to say key lime pie! It's so tasty and tangy and moist I love the way it gurgles down my throat" and four says "Fascinating" and three walks over to the drawers and opens the drawers and pulls out a piece of paper and a pencil and three sits down on a chair and starts drawing and Ten says "Watcha doing three?" Ten being curious and Three says "Oh nothing" and three continuing to draw and three stops drawing and four blinks and three breaks the pencil and leaves the room and Ten says "What was there problem?" And four says "I dunno and have you seen any great movies?" And ten says "Nah" and Mean while with X and Six hanging out and X saying "Then they exploded!" And Six says "Oh wow that must has been crazy! Haha!" and Six says "Like how did they exploded tho?" And X says "Oh I dunno sometimes things exploded randomly." And six says "Does that mean we can explode?" And X says "I don't think so" and Eight listening to X and Six's Conversation and Eight says "interesting." And Six notices eight was listen to the both of them and Six says "What are you doing Eight?" And Eight says "Oh nothing just listening to you guys since I'm bored" and eight looking at the both of them and eight says "You know what I'm just gonna go to bed." And X says "Alright eight have a good night sleep!" And X waving at eight and eight waves back at X and eight walking to their room and So X and Six continued to talk about stuff
Well that was part 14 and I hope you enjoyed it! And part 15 will be coming soon!!

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