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Everyone wakes up and eats breakfast doing there daily things , Six walking outside to sees it's sunny "Pretty Bright out here today I hope nothing goes wrong!" Six Says and then six sees one and three walking to the forest and then six yells out "What are you guys doing!" And three says "Oh we're going to our secret hide out so we can research some stuff right one?" And one says "Mhm!" and the both of them continue to walk to the forest and six sits on the grass and looking at the bandages and saying "how long I have to keep this on its really covering my other eye but whatever, I'll try to get used to it." 

The Wind Blows threw and six thinking of thoughts what they should do

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The Wind Blows threw and six thinking of thoughts what they should do...
Mean while with One and Three.    
There walking threw the forest and one looks at three with a annoyed face and three notices that one is looking at them and then says "One why are you looking at me like that?" And one says "why the fuck did you tell that six we had a secret Hideout" and then three stops walking and then says "Doesn't everyone fucking know when I said 'My computer says that one zero is still alive and even says on your computer' see dumbass." And one rolls there eyes and they both continue to walk to the hideout they go inside and they go to the computers to check the status of the missing zero and it says -STILL ALIVE BUT HARMED-

" And one rolls there eyes and they both continue to walk to the hideout they go inside and they go to the computers to check the status of the missing zero and it says -STILL ALIVE BUT HARMED-

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And then three says "hey one does it say the same for you?" And one turns around to look at three and one says "yes three it does say it." And then three says "but why won't it show a location like I really want to know where the hell it's at." And one says "don't worry three we'll find it soon but I think it was dumb of you that you told six that." and three says "Oh shut up." And the both of them started to type on there computers
One's Thoughts
this is stupid everyone's is just gonna die there's no way how we can turn back to himself. What am I supposed to move on?.. or what. Seven dies and eight some how is alive and six's arm gets chopped off should I make something for six? For his missing arm? Hmm I'll think about it later."
And three gets up from there chair and then says "hey one wanna go back with the others?" And then one says "no I'll be fine you can go be safe tho." And three says "let me just grab a weapon you know just in case if I encounter nine" and one says "yea yea" one rolling there eyes and going back to computer screen typing with there foot because they have don't arms and three walks out of the hide out holding a gun
Three's Thoughts
Ugh why am I being scared don't worry me I'll be fine I'll just shoot nine if I encounter him everything will be fine me and probably the first time walking in the woods alone I hope one is safe and I've always wonder how they deal with no arms hmmm..
Three gets out of the forest and sees six still sitting there on the plain grass and six sees three from a far distance and six starts waving there arms and saying "Hello Three!!" And three walks up to them with a smile and "Hi six." And three puts down there gun and sits by six and three says "so you in a good mood eh?" And six nodded with a yes and three says "good to hear." And they watched the clouds for a bit and three says "wanna go inside six?" And six said "sure!" And they both walk inside and see x and two and five playing Uno and five stares at X intensely and two says "so uh.. who was going first?" And five looks at two then says "YOU DUMBASS!" And two says "Jeez don't have to yell at me!" Two pulls down a yellow card and two says "X it's your turn" and then x puts down a yellow card and five decides to flip over the table and storms off and two says "What was fuck was there problem?" And X shrug's and three and six witnessing that happening and x falls out of there chair and the chair falling on them and six runs to x and six says "Are you okay X?!" And x groaning and six removing the chair up top of them and six carry's x on there back and six walking to X's room and six puts x on there bed and saying "I hope you'll be okay X." And six closing the door and walks back to two and three and three says "sooo what was that about two?" And two says "Oh! Me and x and Five were playing X won uno and five got pissed off and kept on staring at x and all of us literally went silenced and then you two came in." And six "oh wow over a game huh?" And two says "pretty much can y'all- why do you have a gun three?" And three says "oh from my hideout why?" And two says "uhh anyways what I was saying can y'all help me pick up the table" six and three both agreed and helped two to pick up the table and two says "thanks guys." And six says "no problem!" And two says "Woah six you're in a good mood how surprising! And also six when are you gonna replace you're bandages they have blood on them." And six says "Oh heh." And ten comes in the kitchen and ten says "Oh hi six what's up with you in a good mood today?" And six says "Oh nothing I'm just gonna go to bed since the sun is coming down see y'all tomorrow" six waving and ten , two , and three waving back at six and three says "sweet dreams six!" And six goes in there room and three says "you guys know about that zero right?" And ten says "uh yea?" And three says "okay so the zero has been harmed but me and one tried tracking down the location of it but we sadly failed it only said '???' Thats all we know for now." And ten says "what if it meant something tho?" And three starts laughing then says "there's no way it could mean something!" And two says "was there like a Morse code of something?" And three says "well it sometimes does show a Morse code on the screen of my computer but I've never studied Morse codes before sadly but some reason it never happens to one tho it's really fucking weird."  And two says "strange how about we look at it tomorrow deal?" And three says "deal."

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