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In the dark cave Nine looking around with a lantern in their hand and Nine goes over to his tool table and noticing six's arm is missing and Nine says "Shit! Did I forgot to grab when I left! Wait I didn't even chopped off one's head off I only took a bite of them and stabbed them" nine looking annoyed

Nine walks out of the cave

Grass walking noises

Nine gets out of the forest

Grass walking noises

Nine at the front door of the house that everyone is in and Nine notices that the arm is still right there so Nine grabs it and a little alarm goes off and Nine noticing six opening the door and Nine runs off and Six seeing Nine and Six is in Shock

Six staring at Nine while Nine is running from them holding Six's Chopped Arm off and Six says "What was Nine doing?" And Six just standing there alone and Six says "oh yea I forgot everyone's is asleep" and Six walks inside and goes to the fridge to get a popsicle from the Freezer and Six grabs the Popsicle and takes a bite out of the popsicle and Six says "Gahhh! Brain Freeze!" And Six puts there hand over their head and Six finishes eating the popsicle

Six says "What should I do now?" And Six hears footsteps behind them and Six turns around and seeing Three holding something behind their back and Six says "Oh hey uh Three!" Six with a chuckle and Three looks at six with a Big smile of their face and Three says "Hello Six!~" and Six says "Are you okay three you're acting-" and Three says "Weird? We're you gonna say weird My dear Friend?" And Six says "Oh n-no! I-I was gonna say Uhm uh... Great today! Hahaha.." and Three says "Oh! I see."

Three stares at Six with the Big smile on their face and Six says "Uh Three can you not stare at me please?" And Three says "Oh suree!"

Six's Mind:

What's up with Three today there acting weird like I've never seen three like why like why are they staring at me and what are they holding behind there back and What's going on with them it's like it's not them.

Six looks at three and Six says "Uh Three?" And Three says "Yes Six?" And Six says "What  are you holding behind you're back Three?"  And Three goes silent and Three Death Stares Six and Six says "Stop that Three!" And Three continued to Death Stare and Three whispers "help.." And Six trying to hear Three and Six says "what did you say three?" And Three looks down on the ground and starts walking backwards and Three opens their bedroom door and slams it with there foot and Six looking confused Then says "What was that about?"
Mean While With Three
Three sits down behind their door and Started going in tears and dropping something from their hand and Three says "Am I hallucinating or am I just like this.." and Three looked at their hands and Three says "I can't take this anymore.." Three locks their door and leaving the object on the floor and Three goes on their bed and puts the blanket over them selves and Three looks at the boring ceiling and Three hugged their pillow and Three says "What's wrong with me?.. what even am I doing..?" Three hugged the pillow tightly and Three says "I'll probably just lock my self in my bedroom and probably sleep threw the day.." and Three falls asleep while hugging the pillow as while they sleep.
While with Six
Six looks around and Says "that was weird.." and Six hears some foot steps from the dark hallway and Six looks at the hallway and noticed it was Ten and Ten walks pass Six and Ten gets a bowl and Gets Cheerios and Milk and Ten feeling dizzy so Ten poured the milk first and Ten pours the Cheerios In and Ten eats the Cereal and Six looking at them confused

Ten looks around and says "Why is it cold in here  jeez." And Ten notices Six is looking at them and Ten says "Why are you looking at me like that?" Then six says "I dunno I'm just questioning why you pour in the milk first." And Ten says "Whatever" Ten finishes the cereal and they put the bowl in the sink

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