Rest In Peace Seven

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It starts raining and ten says "let's just go home guys.." and six says "yea let's just go." And everyone walking out of the cave and out of the forest and rain pouring on all of them and they all walk inside while being sad and one says "why didn't we do something we could have stopped nine!" And six says "I'm sorry one I-.." and ten cuts off six and saying "please six don't make it worse.." and six decides to stay silent and three goes up to one and sits next to one and six looks at three and three looking at one and three whispering to one "it will be alright one.." and one saying "I'm just gonna go to my room.." and one walking away from everyone and six gets a umbrella and walking out side and six sits on the wet grass and rain still pouring down and six imagines nine next to them like they were normal and six thinks in there minding saying "this will be all over soon.." and six looks at the clouds and x goes outside and sees six in the rain with a umbrella and then x says "six? what are you doing?" And six snaps out of it then says "oh nothing heh.." and x walks over to them and sits next to them

" and x walks over to them and sits next to them

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And x says "hey.. it will be all okay six some day this will be all over I promise six.." and x looking at six with a smile and six says "thanks x.." and six smiles back and they both watched the rain and x says "hey six?" And six says "yea?"  And x says "what happens we won't be able to make nine normal..?" And six looks at x and then says "don't worry x we'll get this threw this me and you and the others will survive threw this i promise X and if we fail and all die will we see each other right..?" And x says "yea..." And they continue watching the rain and five walks outside with a umbrella and five sees x and six and then five says "what are you two doing?" And then x says "oh we're just talking and watching the rain."  And five says "can I join you guys?" And x says "sure five" and they watch the rain pouring down and then it stops raining and the sun comes out and flowers are blooming and six says "woah!" And then x gets up and six and five gets up and they folded there umbrellas and they look at the flowers and six walks to a flower and picks it up

"  And five says "can I join you guys?" And x says "sure five" and they watch the rain pouring down and then it stops raining and the sun comes out and flowers are blooming and six says "woah!" And then x gets up and six and five gets up and they ...

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(Don't ask why six's arm looks like that) and then six looks at the flower and then says "it's pretty." And x walks up to six and then says "yea." And five tells everyone to come out side and everyone looks at the flowers and they went to have fun and the sun is coming down and everyone goes inside and they went to go to sit down and telling stuff and six says "hey guys I'm just gonna go to bed now" and then two says "alright sweet dreams" and six smiles at two and walking off to there room And everyone fall asleep (I guess lol)
Alright that was part 10 and part 11 coming soon!

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