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As Six sat by Five and Both of them started to look at each other and look at two and Then Six replied "So what now?.."

Then five days "How about we go outside?" Five looked at six and Six says "sure! Wanna come with us Two?" And Then Two said "Sure why not"

As the three of them walk outside and Five says "Hey guys I'm gonna go check out the forest to find that base of three and ones, who wants to come with me?" And Six says "Wouldn't it be dangerous if you went in there?" As Five rolled their eyes and Five says "Then I'm going alone!" As Five walked off

Two yells out "What if you got lost?!"
Then five yelled back "I'll be fine! It's just a big forest anyways" as Five walked into the forest as Five sighed

Fives thoughts
Don't worry five it's gonna be alright you know the way right

It's alright..

It's alright...

It's alright....

Five calm down calm down

Jeez.. I think I hadn't been in the forest for long like I think never since Halloween or whatever

Just think five.


As Five walked around the Forest trying to find the secret base that one and three had

Five says "Where the hell is this thing?!"
Five was annoyed and continued to walk and Five then says "jeez.. it's cold out here I should have brought a jacket" Five sneezed and continued to walk five couldn't think since they were very cold

Five continued to walk and walk and the fast they walk the slower they walk ( I guess 🤷‍♀️)

Five falls into the leaves on the ground and five whimpered and five says "I don't wanna die.."
As Five has a tear falling down on their face

As Five passed out as they were shivering and a mysterious person walks up to five and they picked up five in their arms as they walked to something as they said "Oh! You'll be perfect!"

As Nine carried five in their arms and Nine looks at Five and nine says "gosh why do I feel bad but I am gonna do something terrible" as Nine looks away and They walk to the cave and Nine puts up a fire

And Puts five by it and Nine walks off to get Three and Nine says "Three and Five would I dunno mixed up like a fusion like hmm.. I dunno hehehe!" And Few minutes later five wakes up and notices that someone took them

Five says "huh..? Where am I?..." Five looking dizzy and tired

Five replied "oh forget it.. I'm too tired and cold.." five shivering and five falls asleep

As five gets waken up by Nine and Nine waving then she says "Well Helloo!~ Five!" And Five gets scared by Nine and Five says "W-what am I doing here what are you gonna do to me?!" Five shivering more

Nine looks at five  and Nine says "Everything will be fine" Nine doing a smile and Five tried to run and Nine grabbed them and Nine punches five and few seconds five passes out

Nine says "Well! Time to do my work!" And Nine grabs Three and Five and squished them and Nine puts random stuff and mixed Five and Three together (idk how to fucking to describe this shit ) and Nine was done few hours later and Nine says "Oooh! What should I call this thing. Well! I'll just call it uhm.. 53 or... fivhree? Ughh I don't know you know what I'm just gonna call it three and five and I have to wait until it wakes up" and Nine looked around and went over to her tool table and Grabbed Six's arm

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