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Two looked at Six

Two says "you know what I'll go check it out."

Two walks away and Six looked at Two

Then Two looked back at Six

Two sighed and Then said "Alright I'm staying with you over here."

Six looked at Two again as Two sat by them

Six says "I just don't want you to go in there since they're jeez how do I explain this uhm.. Well, let's just say Five and Three got a little mixed up?" Six as they looked nervous

Then Four comes over and sat by Six

Then Four says "What going on here?" As Four looked at Six

Two looked at Four then Looked Annoyed then There hand glowed

Then got a newspaper and Then Two started reading it

Then Four looked at Two

Then Four said "Two What the fuck? When did you do that?" Four looking at them confusingly

Then Six Face palm their face and Shook their head then said "Look four, Two can't revive no one and they can only use their power to move things around" As Six talked with their hands

Two rolled their eyes then said "it's true four, Five and Six knows about this and know you do." As they continued reading the newspaper

Two Rubbed their eyes

Four says "What? I don't understand, so two can only move things around and when me and tried recovering someone but it came out glitchy and it felt like it was trying to say something.."

Two has flashbacks about three's computer

Two says "We gotta get Three, Four do you understand Morse codes?" As Two threw the newspaper and got up and then looked at four

Four says "Yes why?" Two grabbed Six's hand and Four's Hand

Two says "no time for explanation we gotta see three"

Then Two walked into Ones room and Saw Three and Five mixed up together and One was wake

Two yelled out "Three I need you for something!" As Three and Five looked at Two

Three says "W-what do you want?" Three looking confused

Two says "Just come with me with Six and Four! And grab your coat it's snowing outside.." Then Two gave six a piggy back ride

Then Two grabbed ThreeFives Hand

Then Four and Six and ThreeFive and Two put on their Coats

Then the four of them came outside and They all followed ThreeFive since Three knew where was it

Then they came to the hide out and then Two says "Three where was the Morse code"

Three says "In my c-computer why?" ThreeFive looked at Two

Two grabbed fours arm then said "Four I need you to read this."

Four says "Ok ok just let me see.."

As the computer said "' • – • •—• •—• ——— •–• the Computer glitches •—• ••— —• •—• ••– —•'"

Four looked at the computer and Four says "uhm.. it says A error run run?.."

As something sneaked up behind All four of them

ThreeFive says "Watch out Two!" Two looks behind them

The Mysterious Zero pounces on Two
Then it slashed Two many times

The Death Day Of The AlgebraliensWhere stories live. Discover now