Spooky Night (Halloween Edition!)

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Everyone chilling in the living room and x and four playing video games on the tv and ten watching them play and lights are flickering and X says "Uh guys what's going on?" And Ten says "I'm not sure." And six running out of the living room to get something and ten says "Six! Where are you going!"
Meanwhile with Six
Six running to their room and getting a couple flashlights and Costume from his closet and Six puts on the costume and the lights go out
Mean while with the others
Eight looking confused and saying "do you guys have any flashlights the power just went out I'm guess and do you guys hear running?" And they all notice Six wearing a vampire costume with flashlights and six saying "Hey guys I have flashlights!" And eight says "Thanks six but why are you in a Halloween costume?" And six says "Oh eight have you never checked the month?" And six hands over eight a flashlight so eight can check the calendar on the wall and eight says "Oh your right." And six says "Cmon guys let's get spooky!" And X says "I'll put on my mummy costume!" And four says "Oh I like Halloween!" And Ten says "Okay but how we are gonna have fun we're literally the only ones." And three says "I would have to agree with ten." And the room filled with silence and then Six says "Then we have to make the fun our selves and I already did the decorating!" And eight flashes his light at the walls and everything and eight says "Oh wow six that's impressive" and Six says "Okay but we need to find the power box!!"  And one says "Yea you're right but Don't worry guys I know where it is." And three says "Can I come with you?" And one says "Sure I guess and you guys stay here alright?" So one and three goes to wherever where's the power box and The lights go back on and one and three went back to the living room and Six saying "Let's play a game!" And X says "Oh I love games what's wrong?" And eight says "Okay but six what are we gonna play tho?"  And Six thinking and six says "What about a murder game?" And the whole room goes silent and Six says "I didn't mean it like that it mean it like pretend you're dead and one of you will be the killers if you're dead you have to put ketchup on you alright?" And Eight says "I don't think that's a good idea six how about we put in some costumes and have fun alright?."  And Six says "Alright then we do have game boards and Uno!" And Two yells out "NO TO UNO! I don't want event happening to five." And five rolls there eyes at two and Six says "how about we play Jenga!" And nine spying on them in the window and saying "Is this a perfect chance?" And Six sets up jenga and says "Alright who wants to go first?" And X says "Oh oh! Me Me!" And Six says "Alright then Go ahead x." And x takes out one block and sets the block on top and all of them took turns and the jenga begins to shake and it falls on four and Six says "you okay four?" And four says "Yea I'm alright it's only jenga" and Six says "Do you guys wanna get some snacks?" And everyone agrees accept for five and five says "I already ate earlier so I'll be fine" and five staring at the jenga blocks and Six gets a cup filled with fruit punch and sits down by five and six drinks their fruit punch and says "so five are you gonna get a costume?" And five says "Nah no thanks I just wanna have fun with you guys but nice costume tho." And six says "Oh thanks five!" And six puts down their cup of fruit punch on the table and paying attention to five and nine still staring at the window and nine says "How am I gonna kill that one hmm.. maybe mess with the lights?" And nine stops staring at them and sits down on the gras with six's arm and nine says "I should do that but it will be dark for me to see so I have to make one go alone, sounds like a perfect plan to me!!" And nine looking at six's arm and it flop's down on the plain grass and nine goes to the back door and breaking in and going to the power room to mess with the power box and nine messing with the buttons and while with the others and one says "hey! I thought I fixed it!" And one walking by there self and three says "wait!- ah nvm they leave already." One walking to the power room and one says "Ugh what?! They were messed with whoever did this will pay but I've never saw no one walk by their selves in here does that mean?" Nine walking up behind one holding a knife and nine puts the knife on one's neck and one says "Nine?! Ugh you were the one messing with the lights and AGH! Please don't kill me nine!" And nine saying "Oh dear one, this was my plan to kill you!" Nine with a chuckle and one struggling to get nine off of them and three walks into the room and seeing nine with a knife over one's neck and three yells out "One! And nine what are you doing here!" And nine putting more to the knife to one's neck and says "Oh I'm here to kill your friendo three! I want to ruin your fun! That you're having!" Nine giving out a laugh and stepping back from three and Three saying "Let go of one or else!" And nine says "What are you gonna do if I don't let them go?" Nine with a grin And three lost at words and saying "I will um I- I will hurt you!" Nine shoving the knife more to one's neck and one trying to yell out "d-do something three!" Nine looking at three and Nine says "So? What's your choice three." And blood coming from one's neck and nine saying "you have 10 seconds to choose little three." And three frozen with fear and nine makes a little cut on one's neck
Threes Mind
Oh jeez am I doing I can't just stand there let one die! I can't let that happen but I feel like I can't move like I'm frozen..
And three yells out "I can't let that happen nine I'm not gonna let you hurt one!" And three running up to nine and tackles nine and nine while having the in their hand and three while attacking nine and nine stabs three in the arm and three gets off of nine and groans and three looks at their arm bleeding badly, three says "WHAT THE FUCK NINE!" And nine chuckles then says "Oh three you always have to know that I'm like this you know that I'm gonna murder like I did to seven." And One says "shut up SHUT UP!" And nine says "Oh? Why would I one I wanted to kill you!" And one in shock and nine still holding the knife in there hands and One runs up to nine and kicks nine away from them and nine drops the knife and nine looks at three and one before picking up the knife and Nine stands up holding the knife and runs up to one and Three yells out "One watch out!" And nine tackles one to the ground and nine starts stabbing them a couple times and blood on the floor and three goes down in tears and saying "no.. why.. one.." and Nine stops stabbing and looks at one and bites a chunk out of one and Nine says "I guess my job is done here!~" and nine leaving and three runs to one and one laying down on the ground and three saying "no.. one I can't lose you please stay with me please.." and three carry's one in there arms and three goes into tears and Six walks in the room and says "hey guys what's taking so lon- Three! Are you okay what happened?!" And six goes right by three and three says "Nine did this.." and Six in shocked while six still in his vampire costume and X running in the room and saying "Wait for me six!" And X notices that one is bleeding a lot.. and X says "Don't tell me nine did this.." and six says "nine did do this.." and three while carrying one in their arms and walking to the living them and blood dripping on the floor and eight notices that three was carrying one and three crying and eight runs to three asking what happened and three explains to everyone what happened and five continuing to stare at the jenga blocks and five looks away and noticed three holding one in their arms bleeding. Five stays in silence and looks away and X says "I can't believe this happened will they have a chance to live..?" And three says "maybe..."
(Part 14 coming soon!! I hope you enjoyed it!)

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