Six's Dream

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Six finds there self in a white void of nothingness then sees nine ridding on there skateboard and then nine sees six and rides there skateboard to six and then nine says "yo dude! I've been waiting for ya!" Six stays in silenced then says "what do you mean by that nine?" and then nine looks at six and taking off there glasses and a bandage over nines eye "cmon bro follow me!" And six follows nine a few more walks and it shows eight sitting down and bandages around them and then six says "eight are you okay?" And then eight looks at six and then eight runs to six then hugs them and then eight says "welcome back buddy." And then eight stops hugging six and walks off to play cards and then nine says "soon you'll see them both soon.." and then six looks at nine with confusion then six says "what do you mean by both nine?." Then nine looks at six then holding up there skate board then says "soon six." And nines walks to eight and sits right next to them to play cards and then six decides to play with cards with them and everything turns dark then eight says "it's time to go now six." And six says "huh what do you mean eight?" And then nine says "it's time goodbye six." Eight and nine waving bye to six and six with confusion and x wiggling six trying to wake to them up then six wakes up "ugh.. why did you wake me up x?" And then x says "you were crying in your sleep and while smiling?" And x looks at six and then six says "oh that was just nothing heh.." then x says "are you sure were you dreaming?" And then says "well uh yea." X looks away from six and then says "what was it about?" And six says "so uh.. I saw nine riding on his skateboard and then I saw eight with a lot of bandages around them and nine did had a bandage on his eye and then we were playing cards and everything turned dark and they got up and then said "it's time for you to go six" and something like that and nine said "you'll seen them both soon" and I was confused and I said "what do you mean by that.?" And nine said "soon." And they started to wave to me bye and then you woke me up." And x looks at six with a shocked face and x covering there mouth there hand and running out with tears out of the room and six wonder why x ran out of the room with confusion and decides to think it's probably not important.. (Part 5 Coming Soon!!)

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