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X tells everyone about six's dream and everyone is in shock and then four says "so your saying six saw eight in there dream and nine too but eight had a lot bandages around them?" And then x says "yea! What if eight is a alive?.." and everyone looks at X with shocking face and then two says "we gotta ask six questions.." mean while six laying down on the grass and they think to there self "I hope things will go well today.." and six sighs and looking at the clouds in the sky while sunny and two stands over six then six says "what the hell are you doing two?" Then two says "we gotta talk." And six gets up and says "why?.." and two grabs six "let's just go we need to talk like I just said!" Two says and two drags six inside and six gets pissed off they tie six on into a chair and the algebraliens looking at six and six yells out "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU GUYS WHY DID YOU GUYS TIE ME TO A CHAIR WHAT DO I-" two cutoffs six "six look we only came here to ask you questions.." and six sighs and four says "let's just get to the questions" and ten thinks "why are they doing this it's just a dream it's so dumb." And six looks at two and then two says "where was eight at?" And looks away from two then says "me and eight were in a white void." And x "guys we shouldn't do this they don't know much why tie six to a chair?" And two looks at x "x we have to know what's going on with six." Two says And six yells "WHAT THATS WHAT YOU FUCKING WANT FROM ME YOU FUCKING ASSHOLES LET ME FUCKING GO! BITCH!" Ten unties six ten whispers to six "im so sorry that happened six..." and six looks there eyes and walking outside and goes to the algebralien playground and six decides to go on those swings and six looks at the ground and thinking.. and six says "why the hell would they do that?.." six tearing up and sees five walking up to them and six tries to ignore them "six.. im so sorry what happened there. There fucking dumb." Five says and six gave out a little chuckle. Five decides to go on the swings with six and five looks at six and six still looking at the ground a bit mad and five says "I'm gonna go now six." Five waves goodbye to six while walking away and five goes inside to yell at two "two!" And two looks at five then says "what?" Then five says "you were such a dumbass for doing that two!" And then two says "look five.. I just wanna know if eight was alive or not.." and five slaps two in the face and then two says "ow! What was that for!" Two rubbing there check "That was for doing that to six!" Five says and two pushes five to the ground "Two you son of a bitch!" Five said and then x tries to break up the fight but fails then five punches two and then two tackles five and slapping five in the face then five kicks two off of them and a fight begins and five and two still fighting each other then six walks inside sees two and five fighting and five and two looks at six then six runs off to there room six locks the door and five looks at two then five says "you better apologize to six." And two walks up to six's and tries coming into six's room then two notches it was locked and then two says "look six Im sorry.. I really mean it I shouldn't have treated you like that.." then six says "go away two I don't want you talking to me." Six pissed off at two and then two walks off and then two thinks to there self thinking "what have I done.." (part 6 coming soon! This was a bit crazy but I hope you enjoyed it! It's rushed so yea)

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