Pew Pew!

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Six wakes up and Six sees Eight with a Paintball Gun and Eight shoots a Paintball at Six and Six says "Uh eight how long have you been standing there but Hey! Why did you hit me with a paintball?" And Eight says "Who cares about that lets go shoot the others with the paintballs and Eight gives Six a paintball gun and Six says "Oh this will be fun" Six with a evil smile and Eight & Six goes into Tens room and Sees Ten that there sleeping so Six walks up to Ten and Shoots them with a Paintball and Ten wakes up and yells out "What the hell?!" And Six starts laughing and Six gives Ten a paintball gun

Then Ten shoots Six and Ten says "That's what you get for shooting me!" And Six chuckles then says "Sorry Ten" and Eight says "Let's wake the others up then get some breakfast and have fun" and Six runs out of the room and  Six goes to X's Room and Eight says "I wonder if Six still has Nines skate board what do you think Ten?" And Ten says "Well I've never pay attention to Six's room so they probably still have it?" And The both of them saw X chasing Six with a paintball gun shooting at each other

Eight chuckled and says "at least there having fun." And Ten says "Yea." And X & Six woken everyone up and everyone went outside and Zero shooting everyone and Nine in the foresting watching from a far distance Nine says "Oh aren't they having fun? I guess I could take six but I have to work on something cmon Minion we gonna work on that experiment." Nine walked away and Six shoots Zero and Zero falls and he got back up and then He shoots eight and Six and Ten laughed

Four says "Ha blue" Four holding a blue paintball gun and X on fours back and X with a Pink paintball gun and X says "Let's shoot all of them as a team four!" And Four nodded and Four started to spin very fast and Paintballs went everywhere and it did hit some of the algebraliens and Six says "Holy shit! Are the both of them gonna be okay tho because since X is wrapped around fours back and Four is spinning fast as hell!" And Eight says "They will probably be okay." And The Shooting stops  of the both of them and Four got really dizzy that they didn't know where they where going and X ends up throwing up and Eight says "I've changed my mind what I said earlier" and Ten says "Eh"

Four says "I hear colors" and X looking surprised and X says "Four what the fuck and Get me off of you're back! Ten can you help me?" And Ten walks over and Unwrapped x and Ten says "There you go X and Four you got vomit on you're back.." and Ten looking at four and Four says "Oh uhm.. I'll go inside and probably take a shower and I'll go do that right now!" And Four started running and Ten says "Ha did you at least had fun?" And X says "Yea- Blehh" and Ten says "Oh jeez are you okay X?!" And X says "I think I'm sick" X groans and Ten carry's X and Ten says "I'm taking you inside X I think four Spinned way to much like you must be really dizzy right now like jeez." And X says "yea probably that" and Ten walks inside while carrying X and Six says "is the fun over?" And Eight says "Yes" and Two shoots Eight with a paintball and Eight says "Hey!"
And eight grabs his blue paintball gun and shoots Two and Two says "It was only just a joke jeez Lol" and Eight says "Yea yea whatever" and Six says "Woah! That sunset! And eight did you ever washed you're pajamas and slippers?" And Eight says "Oh I have extras" and Eight looking at Six crossing their arms and sits down and Six sits down by Eight and Two sits by Six and The Three of them looking at the sunset and Six looking at the sunset and The Three of them drop their paintball guns and Six had a strange feeling

Six says "Uh guys I think I'm gonna go now" and Six gets up and started walking away from them and Eight says "What's wrong with them?" And Two Shrugged and They both watched the Sunset

Mean while with Six

Six walking around their room and Six says "Why am I having this feeling jeez.." and Six notices Nines skateboard in the corner and Six walks over it and picks it up and six walks over to their bed and sits down and looking at Nines skateboard and Six says "is it you?" And The skateboard shines and Showing a reflection of Six and Six says "Me? It is me?" And Six looking confused and Six stands up and Six gets on the skateboard and tried riding it and Six falls and the skateboard flipped and Broke Six's Robot arm and Six says "No!" And the Robot arm got off of six and Six looking shocked and Six says "what's going on..." and Six looked around and Six puts the skateboard at the corner of the room and Six walks to their bed and Six says "I'll probably just sleep and probably forget about it.." and then Six falls alseep..




(That was part 17 I hope you liked it, it probably might be a little boring but part 18 coming soon tho so bye for now!!)

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