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Four ran into their room and slamming the door, Jumping into their bed Then Four says "fuck you nine.. fuck you.. why my best friend..?" Four slam their fists to their legs

Four as they looked around the room then seeing a picture of Them and X at the equation playground, Four walks up to the picture frame and Four takes it out of the wall and Four walked to their bed

Then Four hugged the Picture Frame, Then Four says "I'm gonna miss you my true blue friend." Fours Tear goes on the picture frame and Four stopped hugging the Picture frame

Four says "I wonder what are the others doing now." Four stayed silent

Mean While with the Other Alebraliens

Six looking very shocked, feeling blue on the inside while X is no longer alive Then Ten looked at Six with a worried look, then Ten says "hey six.. it will be alright.." Ten with a comforting smile and Six says "are you sure tho?.."

Ten sat by Six and Ten wrapped their arm around six, then pulled Six to them and Ten wipes Six's Tears and Ten hugged Six and Ten says "Trust me it will be all okay six.. we always miss someone as they die.." Six hugged back as Six cried while hugging Ten

Ten patted Six's back and Eight comes over and Then Eight said "Hey what's going- ... what happened.." and Six yelled out "Nine killed X dumbass!" Six sobbing

Eight walks over to X's room and Noticed how bloody it was..

Eight replied "what the fuck.." Eight looking Scared & Shocked

Then Eight looked at Six and Ten while they hugged

Eight says "How long are you two gonna hug for?.."

Ten says "Oh sorry" Ten stopped hugging Six

Six with a weak smile and Six says "thanks for the hug Ten." Six kinda looked tired 

Then Ten wipes Six's tears away again and Ten got up and helped Six up and Then Five & Two came over looking tired

Five says "hey guys why is four crying and woah what happened here.." As five looking shocked and Two stayed silent looking very shocked then Two says "X?.."

Two walks to X's bedroom and Seeing blood everywhere

Two drops to the ground then Two says "WHY X NO NO NO! Why did this have to happen!" Two yelling out

Ten comes over to Two and Then Ten sits by them as Ten rubbed Twos back

Ten replied "Look Two.. we always loose someone because of nine we always try not to make it happen but we're only to late for that.."

Two looked at Ten and Two slaps Ten across the face making a red mark on tens face

Ten stopped rubbing twos back and Then Ten touched the red mark


Ten ran off after hearing Twos words

Two coughed again and Then Two left off to go to the kitchen

Six looking Frightened Six says "Uh.. well, what do we do now?"

Five sighed Then replied "I'll clean up this mess.." Five looking a bit sad

Six noticed Then said "Can I help you?" Six running up to Five Then Five says "Sure buddy.."

They clean up the mess and After Washed their selves

Six and Five walking into the living Then Five collapse on to the couch and Six says "Uh five can you move you're legs so I can sit down please?" Five gets up and Sits normal and Then Six sat down by Five

Six kicking their legs in the air, Then five noticed Two walking by them with a frown and then Two sat on the sofa chair Then Two putted their Cup on to the coffee table

Then Five stared at Two for a second then they looked away

Six whispers "this is kinda awkward..." as Six whispered to five

Five nodded in agreement and Five looked around the room

Two grabbed their cup and They Drank it and Then Two grabs a newspaper out of no where as their hand is glowing

Six yells out "WHAT THE FUCK TWO?"  Six looking very Surprised

Two looking confused and Then they looked at their hand and It was glowing or something

Two says "what the why is it doing that- uhh.. y'all weren't supposed to see this shit" Two looking flustered

Five looked at Two Then replied "Two what are you hiding?"

Two sighed then said "Well err My powers doesn't work the same as four and I can move things around I guess.. if I tolded all of you I thought you guys would be mad at me.." Two looking a bit disappointed with their self

Six walks over to Two and They hugged Two
Then Six said "It's okay Two" Then Two smiled then hugged Six back Squeezing Six's back

Six says "Ow ow Two that hurts you're hurting my back" Then Two let go and Two says "Whoops sorry" Two Chuckled a bit

Six walks over to five then sat back down to them


Okay I'm gonna have to pause it here sorry everyone who reads this story and part 22 will be coming soon and I'm sorry I took a break from this story Ive been stressed lately and I hope y'all have a great day!

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