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Something walks into Kitchen and it sounds like they had boots on they sounded heavy

Six slowly opened there eyes

Saw someone in a coat and they were wearing boots

Six looks at the person

Then Six yelled out "WHAT THE WHO- HMPH!!"

The Person with the Coat covered Six's mouth with there hand and the Person put a shhh sign

Then the Person hits Six with a Shovel

Then six passes out

The Person Carries Six in there arms while wearing gloves..

Then Person walks outside while carrying Six

As The Snow blew...
As the ground got covered in snow..

Then the Person takes off there hood revealing there self..

Then it was Zero.

Six was still passed out..

Then Zero walks into the Forest

Zero stopped walking

Then Nine walked up to Zero

Then Nine says "Perfect.. you have six.."

Zero hands over six to nine

Nine carry's six in their arms then Nine looked at Six

Then Nine looked at Zero

"you've done well.."

"now.. follow me zero.."

Then Nine walks to her cave and Zero follows

Nine sat down and puts down six

Then Nine gets up

Then Zero uses sign language "well what are you gonna do with six?"

Nine says "Well I might as well lock up them here!" Nine chuckled

Zero stayed Silent

Nine goes over her tool table then she grabbed a knife

Then Nine walks up to Zero

Nine says "well? Are you gonna still gonna betray the others and if you don't wanna betray them.." Nine points the knife at Zero's Face

Zero nodded

Nine puts away the knife away from Zeros face
Then says "Good."

The Death Day Of The AlgebraliensWhere stories live. Discover now