Six's Horrible & Maybe Good Day

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Six wakes up in a bad mood and Six walks threw the halls and into the kitchen and Ten sitting on a chair in the kitchen and Ten notices that Six is in a bad mood and Ten says "Hey buddy what's up with the bad mood?" Ten drinking his coffee and Six looks at Ten with a Stare and Six says "I'm doing fine" and Ten says "You look like you aren't" and Six grabs Tens Coffee Cup and Six smashes Tens coffee

cup on to the floor and Ten says "WHAT THE FUCK MY FAVORITE COFFEE MUG" and Six tried walking away and then slips on the hot coffee and six's back burning and Ten says "Uh six are you okay you're literally laying on hot coffee and you're really scaring me at this point." And Six gets up and Six noticed they got burnt and six started screaming and Six says "AHHHHHHHH WHAT THE FUCJCCKKCKCJCK" and Six running around the kitchen and they kept on slipping on the hot coffee and Tens says "SIX CALM THE FUCK DOWN AND STOP RUNNING YOU KEEP ON SLIPPING ON THE DAMN HOT COFFEE" and Six stopped running and Five literally watching this while being shocked and Five says "What the fuck" and Ten picks up Six and Ten says "We have to put you in a cold bath now you burnt yourself with my coffee" and Six says "Yup" and Ten walks to the bathroom and Ten places Six into the bathtub and Ten turns on the Cold water and Ten puts those plugging thingys into bath tub and Ten says "Okay you just do you and Cool yourself off and also don't you dare forget to turn off the water I don't want this house flooding and I hope you're okay!" Ten looks at six with a smile and Tens leaves the bathroom and Six looks at

the cold water and Six says "water"

Mean while with Ten and Five

Ten cleaning up the mess and Ten says "I wonder what's up with Six today they seem grumpy today" and Five says "Yea I've never seen them like this maybe" and Ten cleaned the mess up and Ten says "bye bye my favorite mug" and Ten throws away the shattered pieces and Ten says "I'm quite glad six didn't step on the glass, I would be very worried if they stepped on the glass" and Five says "I was confused what was going on" and Ten says "Well I wanna cheer them up today because I don't want them have a horrible day!" And Five says "You really care about Six that much?" Five raising their eyebrow and Ten says "Well I care about everyone around here, even you Five" and Five says "Oh" and Five walks over to a chair then they sit on it and Ten says "I'm gonna go check up on Six how they are doing alright?" And Five says "Alright then" and Ten walks and Ten walks into the bathroom and Ten says "Hey how are you doing six? And How's you're back feeling?" And Six looks up at Ten and Then says "I guess kinda good and My back does hurt from the burning but the cold water is doing the job I guess" and Ten says "Alright, So six what are you gonna do today?" And Six says "Oh nothing really" and Ten sits on the bathroom Floor and Ten says "Well I want you're day to be great!" And Six says "Wait why?" And Ten says "Well I want to cheer you up!" And Six says "I dunno I feel like being alone today" Then Six sinks into the Cold water

Ten gets up and grabs Six and Ten says "How about you don't sink into the water heh." And Ten puts down Six and Ten says "I'm gonna go now just get out of the water soon okay?" And Six rolling their eyes and Says "Okay" and Ten leaves the Bathroom and Few hours later and Six gets out and Six goes to their room and gets a towel to dry their self and Few minutes later they dry up and Six says "Man I really need to change my bandage it looks old how long did I have this on for? 3 or 2 months? I think so I guess I'll change it and it's all bloody too" Then six walks over to their closet and Six grabs bandages and Six takes off their bandage and Six looks at their missing arm and Six looks at the Broken robotic arm on floor and Six says "I don't know if one is gonna be mad at me or not" and Six looks around and Looks back at the missing arm and Six says "I wonder why nine cut off my arm off.."

And Then Six says "I'm quite Pissed Off" and Then six sighed and They Wrapped the Bandage like it was and Six looks in the Mirror and Six says "Yup looks good like it was covering my eye and this non existent arm" and Six walks out and Six walks b...

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And Then Six says "I'm quite Pissed Off" and Then six sighed and They Wrapped the Bandage like it was and Six looks in the Mirror and Six says "Yup looks good like it was covering my eye and this non existent arm" and Six walks out and Six walks back into their room to get the blanket off their bed and Six wraps the blanket around them selves and Six walks out and Six walks to the living room and Six lays down on the couch and X looking at them while sitting on the couch

X says "Uh Six are you doing okay?" And Six says "I guess I'm doing bad tbh and why are you listening of me screaming and how do you still have that?" And X says "So what it's a good song" and X crosse's their arms and X takes off their headphones and puts them down and X grabs the remotes and X says "Do you want to watch Teletubbies" And Six says "sure" and X puts on Teletubbies and They both watch Teletubbies and X laughing most of the parts and Six still in a bad mood and X looking worried and Ten walks into the living room and Ten says "Why are you guys watching Teletubbies?" And X says "Because we want to!" And Ten sits down By X and Few minutes Six fell asleep and Ten says "Oh he's asleep already?" And X says "That quick?" And Ten says "I'll just leave them on the couch if they feel comfortable sleeping on the couch" and Then Two walks in with a milkshake in their hand and Two says "Why are you guys watching Teletubbies and why is Six sleeping on the couch?" And Ten says "Just leave Six be they might have a rough day today" and Two says "I guess you're right." And The Three of them watch Teletubbies and Yea

(Well that was part 18! I hope you enjoyed it and I literally made this at 3 am and I will make part 19 soon bye for now!!")

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