Nines Cave

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Two sitting in there room and thinking what to do and two says "eight has to be alive right?.." two decides to outside into the forest without no one noticing them and two looks around the forest making sure nine isn't around and sees nines cave and two walks inside and sees writing on the walls that two couldn't understand "-.- .. .-.. .-.. - .... . - -  . - -  . - . - .." and two try's to not think about it and continuing to look around and sees blood drawings and sees a drawing of six of there arm being cut off and sees a other drawing of seven and sees seven literally fully murdered and two gets shocked and thinks to there self "will this actually happen..." and two covers there mouth and started crying and then they heard someone coming it was nine. Two quickly hid behind a tall rock and two tries to be quiet when nine walking by them and then nine says "I wonder who's will be on my next list.." and nine looking at the blood drawings that they made then nine says "I'll do that to six.. how would I get there arm tho.. hmm.." then nine pulls out a butcher knife and says "I'll just tackle them and cut off there arm!" While laughing the laughing stops and nine says "This plan must be successful." And nine says "Eight has been taken by someone but the problem is that they are still alive." And two gets a shocking face and nine walks out of the cave and walks threw the forest and two says "perfect time to escape" two runs out of the cave and forest and going back to the house then two locks the front door and starts breaking down to tears and everyone saw two they quickly went to two expect for six. Six standed there looking at two and stopped looking at two and walks off to there room then slamming the door and ten says "are you okay two?! What happened?!" And two looks at ten then says "look so uhm.. I went threw the forest and into nines cave.." two saying that then everyone looking at two with shocking on there faces and worried and four says "then what happened?" And two looks at there hands and said "so.. I saw a writing on the all but I couldn't understand it.. and I saw blood drawings of six and seven.." and seven cries and then says "don't tell I'm next.." and two looks at seven and says "it looked like you were fully murdered.." and seven starts panicking and still crying then they started running around the house and two says "I didn't had time to look at the other drawings and nine came in his cave sayin stuff and saying they will cut off six's arm off" and everyone with worried looks and five gets up and says "Nine has gotten insane.." and ten says "I think we should continue our day guys.." and everyone agreed and all of them walking off
(Part Seven Coming soon!!! I'll probably make it later today and yea!!)

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